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Fe on 1.3 beta 3?

Started by doh224, January 15, 2007, 05:03:29 AM

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And I'll make an installer when I get a link.


He's done a lot to it since the last time I saw it. Is there going to be another round of testing before it goes gold?

Red Devil

Definitely.  I'm developing it for PB4 right now (easier), but will make a PB3 version of the DLL after I get it done (soon).

After I finish up, OM will make the installer and we'll be good to go (for basic testing anyways).

Capture-able unit has a delay on it now and can be recaptured by the opposing team.

Rampage units happy? Check!

Cerberi AIP's done?  Nope!

One of the portals causes an AV when I try to go through it (Hadean booby trap, I suspect...), but that shouldn't be too hard to fix (yeah, right...  :lol: )

I may add some more new PB3+ entries to the ODF's after it's being tested.

Supposed to be headed to Jellystone tomorrow for a week, but I may be getting snowed in here.  :roll:
What box???


thanks Red. i unzipped to root and got it to work.

Red Devil

I'm uploading an ALPHA test for the PB4 group now.  Still some issues to iron out after I get back in 9..10 days.
What box???


Portals... As in human players going through portals?

I think there are some maps that have the initial 3rd race spawn point off map (outside of human play boundary) and portal in. What would happen if a human player transported to that point? (I'll have to go looking to see what maps that might be and list them. I may be just imagining all this.)


Ok, I just had some fun.

Played 3-Way Primordial. But it seems someone has been playing around in that map, because the starting scout was a super scout that could zoom all over the map. And it had a one shot kill anything "Assault Laser". :-o
It's a lot of fun :evil:, but probably should come out, alas. Also, full map radar was on the whole time and the scout could target things across the map.


Sigh, one of RD's Bug Zapper Scouts...

I know what happens with a portal to an off map area...
You go flying back south, toawrd the upper edge of the map, hit a well, and slide to the west, and then against the west side to the south untill you come to a stop in the south west corner, still unable to escape.

You cry, realize no weapon can reach you and you cant even eject, and the you close the game.

Click on the image...

Red Devil

Yes, sorry about that being left in there.  So many files...  :roll:

The portals work well in the Alpha.
What box???

Red Devil

Unable to get anyone to test FE in PB4, so I'll ask everyone for input when PB4 is released.

Since the Cerberi weren't set up as playable before, I had to add some requirements to them, so I'll need feedback on that.

Thinking of adding an option for selecting the Rampage unit used instead of it defaulting to the Talon (which is an awesome unit in its own right).

I may have to remove the preplaced crates from in front of the Recycler and Factory build spots so that they don't override the custom weapons assignments.

What I'll be working on this week (if the coffee ever kicks in...):

1. Releasing held units (commented out, not converted yet)
2. Ally attacks  (commented out, not converted yet)
3. Cerberi AIP's
What box???


Red Devil

If you need a beta tester for PB4, I'm available.



Red Devil, I installed the files from your RD-FE-MPI-13-v5.zip, per your instructions and changed the shourtcut to include the new .cfg file.
Still having the no recycler issue for any of the CP MPI or FE MPI maps.  Also, no matter what "My Vehicle" I pick in these maps, usually ISDF or Scion, I end up starting out as Hadean scout.  This happens even if I unselect the the Hadean and Scion scouts in the allowed vehicles list.

Here are the errors I have found so far in the console window and log files when I run any of these maps:

ERROR: Object "evrecycpu.odf" does not exist.
(I searched for this file and found two of them.  The first in FE13_MPI_Assets, dated 7/21/2007;
the second in FE13\1.3 compatibility\objects\Hadean\Buildings\ebrecy, dated 12/30/2005)

ERROR: Object "fvrecycpu.odf" does not exist.
(I searched for this file and found one in FE13_MPI_Assets, dated 9/26/2007)

Missing file igbolt00 .msh
Missing file ivrecy00 .msh

Thanks for your help.

Red Devil

Is the FE13_MPI_Assets folder in the root of your BZ2 install?
What box???


Red Devil

Have you tried Mega Mountain?  That's the one I mainly tested on.
What box???