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Is it possible to cheat in multiplayer?

Started by darkwarrior, February 02, 2008, 06:50:34 PM

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Every game has those players who enjoy the adrenaline rush of just GOGOGO, full blast, the whole time. 

I used to love those, and in my day it was Quake, and rockets providing the rush.

Not to bring those players down, but you'll find soon enough that your reflexes slow, your eyes dim, and that rush brings on headaches more than adrenaline.  You'll also end up with the kids crying, the dogs barking, and the phone ringing.  I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was...  :)

You'll also, hopefully, after a decade of just runrunrunkillkillkill look for something a little slower paced, a little more strategic, a little less dependant on you being superman and everywhere at once.  It'll happen, slowly but surely, faster for some and then there are the odd people here and there that never grow out of it.

That's why I love that BZ2 can provide a rush for those players while at the same time swing all the way back over and be almost an RTS for others.  Show me how Tribes2 can support that without major modding, or UT, or the other way around where Starcraft could give a twitch player a rush...  IOW there are next to no games that can do that.  Period.

That's why, as Feared said, the Vets are so addicted to their style of game.  I sympathize with that and really don't want to see them shut off from their fix, but they need to understand that the whole point of a beta test is to TEST things, and that it's not a crushing thing to see the game change.  In the end 1.3 can give them all they want, if they want to set it up that way.

And that's a bad thing, that most of the 'Vets' are NOT modders and so feel helpless to restore those parts of gameplay that they love.  Many people complain that 1.3 is a modders patch, but they're not seeing the whole picture.  Every game in development is basically clay in the hands of people that are trying to mold it into something.  It's not over until it's over, and it's up to the modders to help the 'Vets' by getting the game set up as much like 1.2 as needed.

'Course, they'll need the help of the Vets to do that...  and the Vets are not only NOT patient type people but have spread a lot of bad blood around in the past...   :(



Quote from: Nielk1 on February 06, 2008, 08:59:04 PM
Yes, Flying is an EXPLOIT, but it is a skill.

If we want to take that logic, we might as well call Multiplayer Editor a skill, or perhaps bypassing the asset checker as well. Those must be skill because you have to figure out what keystrokes, procedures and what not are needed to achieve the results. OOOH, how about someone writting a small program that goes out to gamespy, looks for all 1.2 games, join them long enough to send the chat crash to them and repeate the process. And to really drive the players insane, we can program it to run off of proxies. That's a skill right?
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


Quote from: Sonic on February 07, 2008, 11:41:20 AMOOOH, how about someone writting a small program that goes out to gamespy, looks for all 1.2 games, join them long enough to send the chat crash to them and repeate the process. And to really drive the players insane, we can program it to run off of proxies. That's a skill right?
Bah, that would take me all of like... 5 minutes to make, not at all joking.  Why, has someone made it?

Red Devil

1.2's too slow and too tame for me now. 

Something about zooming 50..150m over hill and dale at 70..90 kph with 5 unshakeable killer bots on your tail just..."makes me want to SHOUT!, OHHHH YEAAAAAH!, OHHHH YEAAAAAH!...."   :lol:

Hmmmm.... *wonders if he can make them the prey and run away...*
What box???

Zero Angel

Quote from: Sonic on February 07, 2008, 11:41:20 AM
Quote from: Nielk1 on February 06, 2008, 08:59:04 PM
Yes, Flying is an EXPLOIT, but it is a skill.

If we want to take that logic, we might as well call Multiplayer Editor a skill, or perhaps bypassing the asset checker as well. Those must be skill because you have to figure out what keystrokes, procedures and what not are needed to achieve the results. OOOH, how about someone writting a small program that goes out to gamespy, looks for all 1.2 games, join them long enough to send the chat crash to them and repeate the process. And to really drive the players insane, we can program it to run off of proxies. That's a skill right?
Anyone can multiplayer edit by following a set of steps. These rote -easily memorized 'skills' are not skills in the sense that competence or street fighting is a skill. Anyone with working arms can throw a punch, but not everyone can beat Royce Gracie in the octagon. The way that vets fight requires one to continuously practice and fine tune their skills.

Flying for example, could be learned with a couple of hours of practice in stock 1.2 and anyone could crush a base that doesnt have GTs. In ZST, only about half of the vets will do a half-decent job of attacking bases, everyone else -- even mid to low vets -- gets blown out of the sky because they have not put the DEDICATION forward to fine-tune their skills. Those with ego who are too lazy to do this will stomp their feet and demand that the world change for them.

You must understand, that people who put dedication into learning something do not take too kindly to the fact that that element is removed. THIS is why this argument always becomes so heated. And why it is always so pointless to bring up this argument again, like you have Sonic.

Also, I recall one time arguing the finer points of computing with someone who doesnt know how to use a computer well. This amused me that this person had such strong viewpoints when they really knew nothing of it but bullhoot. I had thought, 'what an ignorant noob'. You see a noob and an ignorant noob are different people -- like the thug who never commands lecturing his commander because their team lost.  :wink:
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Quote from: Zero Angel on February 06, 2008, 10:26:37 PM
I've noticed ghosting among some people when they are already in the air. Plus, I have never been able to move through scavs, extractors, buildings and even directly through other ships

The GHOST can pass through things. The player wont be able to pass through a thick object no matter what :-)
If you go around that object fast enough, your ghost wont follow you around that object if it is too far away. It will simply go through it.

I didn't know about the thruster thing :-o I thought it was just the ground pushing you back.

Haha, learnt somthin' new.


Quote from: Zero Angel on February 07, 2008, 12:22:21 PM
Those with ego who are too lazy to do this will stomp their feet and demand that the world change for them.

You must understand, that people who put dedication into learning something do not take too kindly to the fact that that element is removed. THIS is why this argument always becomes so heated. And why it is always so pointless to bring up this argument again, like you have Sonic.

Funny, I recall those who demanded that Flying stay stomping their feet and demand that the world be changed.

And I still don't get your logic, you spend time and effort to learn how to EXPLOIT something that is ILLEGAL in the concept of the game to begin with and than get so mad when the developers actually patch this exploit?

As I said, there are many exploits and bugs in BZ2 v1.2 that will make ruin your fun; like OM said, it would only take 5 minutes to crash every 1.2 game up in gamespy. If you still wish to use 1.2, please, feel free to.
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."

General BlackDragon

I dont call it ghosting. I did that since back in BZ1, I point my nose down, hold the forward and jump key, and go faster then normal.

*****General BlackDragon*****

Zero Angel

In bz2 that causes the ghosting bug unfortunately.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Zero Angel

Quote from: Sonic on February 07, 2008, 04:49:39 PM
Quote from: Zero Angel on February 07, 2008, 12:22:21 PM
Those with ego who are too lazy to do this will stomp their feet and demand that the world change for them.

You must understand, that people who put dedication into learning something do not take too kindly to the fact that that element is removed. THIS is why this argument always becomes so heated. And why it is always so pointless to bring up this argument again, like you have Sonic.

Funny, I recall those who demanded that Flying stay stomping their feet and demand that the world be changed.

As I said, there are many exploits and bugs in BZ2 v1.2 that will make ruin your fun; like OM said, it would only take 5 minutes to crash every 1.2 game up in gamespy. If you still wish to use 1.2, please, feel free to.
Good then we have to be thankful that choice still exists.

Supposedly those of us who enjoy this exploit will have the ability to mod it back into 1.3. This is great news, since even in 1.3 choice will still exist -- and it will be the HOST who has final say in whether or not these exploits be enabled through rec variants, DLLs and other modifications. This is as it should be.

Obviously the GSH and Ken cannot please everyone, but if the ability to modify back in oldschool physics can still exist then choice will be preserved and I would love nothing more than to convert all 1.2 players to 1.3 so that there is no longer a rift in the community. There is no need for conflict -- and on this matter, further discussion.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


QuoteSupposedly those of us who enjoy this exploit will have the ability to mod it back into 1.3.
You would want to put back in a bug that allowed scouts, but not mortar bikes or other units, to fly up and stay up so that they can attack without fear of other players engaging them? I have played allot of 1.2 vet strat, I know all these tricks, I am glad this bug is gone in 1.3 and that the scout is no longer the "uber" cowards unit. Dog fights are better now that running/flying away does not work quite so well, and now real skill and teamwork are required to engage base defenses in a scout, not just pressing 3 buttons and firing from out of range.
Yes it would have been nice if "the ceiling" was not quite so well defined and was more determined just by physics, but that would probably require whole new game.


They did try to get some of the old physics code back in at some point, but from what I have found on the subject it caused INSANE side effects. Ya know, things randomly blowing up, teleporting around the map, the fabric of reality decomposing.

Click on the image...

General BlackDragon

1.3 will have plenty of options for flying.

*****General BlackDragon*****


If you want any chance of the flying being restored as an option of any kind, Ken is the person to bring it up to.  He is the one who fixed the exploit and he is the one in charge of physics.  GSH tried, but as Nielk said, caused major glitches.  Basically the engine would throw you at insane speeds.  If thrown into an object, such as an extractor, the force would kill your scout.

I would love to see an odf option added to [CraftClass] to address this very issue.

use12Reverse = false // True enabling 1.2's reverse code
use12Strafe = false // True enabling 1.2's strafe code

Both enabling flying like in 1.2.

Red Devil

What box???