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Battlezone Remake? Calling all BZ Fans

Started by frozenfire, March 20, 2008, 08:19:22 AM

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i can do good sound work should you need it... a lot of my work is taken from other places and modified. but sound effects usually ARE about that

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


i can vouch for warfreak he made a few ships, map/s and a few weapons though not great give him the right directions and he can improve, also u might want to look in the forums or pm a guy called Raven he was working on a mod a while back but never got off the ground due to his comitments for school and the face he had a few harddrive problems, warfreak and i were beta testers for his mod and we have a few of his ships and weapons lying around in our battlezone 2 files somewere, so if u have a copy of BZ2 i can email u the 3 ships i have (i think u will have fun with the speeder XD) lol im in my HSC year at the moment but next year i will me at home for the majority of the day (no job as of yet) so if u get the game up and running and u need a tester dont hesetate to call me in, i have been playing battlezone 1 and 2 for as long as i can remember and if your making a game based on them i honistly say i cant wait to see how it turns out, keep us posted on the progress would u? im sure a speak for alota zoners in here when i say we want to know how its coming along.

PM me if u want to take a look at the ships Raven made or if u need a tester, i would be happy to help in anyway i can however i have no experience in modding what so ever :( never had the time to learn it.


Quote from: TheJamsh on May 05, 2008, 07:23:22 AM
i can do good sound work should you need it... a lot of my work is taken from other places and modified. but sound effects usually ARE about that

you can do sound effects? great. I'll be contacting you shortly.
However, I don't totally agree usually sound effects are taken from other place and modified. Professional Sounds Engineers from studio usually digitally generate them either from nothing or from a variety of templates using different processes.

Modified sound effects are accepted as long as it's not too clear where you took the sound from.

Also.... for those of you who are interested in the progress of this project. Our team is working very hard to set up the whole thing to kick start the development. So far , what we need are some kick@ss Concept Artist and sound engineers then we're off to the prototype development. We'll be setting up a site for this project very soon. Our core team has decided to let the prototype be a Community-based project(as far as content is concern). If you're not familiar about what is a community-based project.. check this out... http://topsecret.acclaim.com/   . It's a community driven development. It's a little bit different with open source project. The source and the core idea is actually closed, but the content creation is opened up to public. However, any work submitted is 100% voluntary and it belongs to the company. Exact details haven't been finalised yet. I will keep this thread updated on this project if you guys are interested to participate.