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can 'shields' be used on buildings in any way?

Started by TheJamsh, April 22, 2008, 02:51:20 PM

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Zero Angel

Here's an idea.

Make your ship an APC class. Make it deploy an infinitely long lasting weaponmine object (repulsion field), which fires 0 speed 'magnets', that periodically (teamfiltered if possible) repel all enemy ships within, say, 200m of the ship. It could work much in the same way, as if the ship periodically emits shockwaves which slam enemy ships outwards, making direct assaults on the ship much more difficult.

The other idea is to simply make the APC deploy an M-curtain that repels shots.

You can also have ship deploy another APC class ship, which is slightly wider than the source ship, and possesses sheilding (deflect/absorb/stasis) so that the shield effect will work.

The advantages of going with an "APC->invisible APC" method, theoretically, is that the second APC could exist inside of the first one, and possess the same hover height, meaning that the shields would line up with the collision frame of the 'real' APC.s You destroy the shielding APC, and it would die for good (unless restocked somehow, like by a training center), meaning if the normal APC moves after the shield APC is destroyed, then the shield APC will not be respawned.

Now there is a caveat to the invisible APC method, and that is if the shield APC takes damage but is not destroyed, and the real APC moves, then the shield APC will be respawned upon landing, potentially with full health. I have not tested APC's enough that I would know for sure if APC-spawned objects 'remember' their health values. Nor have I tested, whether two APC objects can overlap each other without problems.

Remember to give the sheilding APC a dumb/nonreactive AI, as well as canDetect=0 and other thing. I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing though.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


I noticed a bug where when a weapon has zero speed it does not have any effects. Any non zero speed works, even if it's really slow (i.e. .0001).


Now that I think about it a shielded building would have to entirely be a GT with a dummy building tapped on that just holds the bare minimum HPs for the building's original function.

Click on the image...


Quote from: Total Oblivion Omnis on April 28, 2008, 05:09:19 AM
I noticed a bug where when a weapon has zero speed it does not have any effects. Any non zero speed works, even if it's really slow (i.e. .0001).
Some effects show. Like draw_geom, though it has the interesting effect of always pointing north.  I bet draw_sphere works too.

BNG Da BZ Fool

Actually, I was thinking the vehicle would have a tall pole looking extension sticking out of the top of it. Wouldn't that in itself extend the spherical radius of the shield itself covering the sides and any other objects near it including buildings and such, or am I missing something with the collision parameters? Guess I'll have to try some test vehicles and see what happens. I envision something that resembles an upgraded IDF scav only with a much longer vertical extension to increase the spherical radius of the shield generating vehicle itself. Is that doable? Tanks BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


yep =]

i think the spherical radius is calculated from the very center of the model to the point FURTHEst from it, then it zips around it.

for vehicles of *course, not sure if buildings work the same way

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Edit spelling. Sorry, couldn't resist :P. You said vourse instead  :lol:.

BNG Da BZ Fool

That's encouraging. I guess a hover type would be more practical then a tracked unit as it could more easily get to places like across water without the fear of blowing up in transit like mindless tracked unit under the impression that they can swim like fish. I wonder if a jamming device can be added to such a vehicle for better survivability? From what I've seen so far the Stasis shield seems to have the best over all performance then either Deflection or Absorbsion? Is this correct? Sounds simple enough to make such a unit.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.