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BZ2 on a Mac?

Started by VSMIT, April 23, 2008, 06:30:46 PM

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Macs don't get viruses because they are UNIX based. Same as Linux funnily enough. No they are not invincible. Sure its harder, but you can still screw one over.
Linux is even better protected because even if it DID get a virus, it can only harm your user area, not the system as it requires sudo access to blow anything up. This can be kind of done on a mac as you can tell it to ask for an admin password, but you can get round it in some ways as it is NOT linux. As for windows protection? Lol. All those programs you have to get, those scans you have to run. CPU plox?

At the end of the day, everybody steals everything. Thats the way things develop. MS nicked dashboard (sidebar) as well as spotlight, RSS, even iCal blah blah BLAH. Apple nicked a ton of stuff of MS. Deal with it.
What I find hilarious, is the Linux developers look at these things. "Hmm, thats really cool, I'll code that myself and improve it! Wow, what I've got is really great! Oh, and last thing? ITS FREE"
Sidebar/dashboard? Screenlets
Pretty window borders? Emerald
Effects? Compiz
Dock? Cairo dock
Great open source software, and the ability to make your computer what YOU want it to do. Not some company.

Hardcore Linux users bitch about (K)Ubuntu users for being 'noobs' and windows-wannabes. Yes they have a bit of a point as they often ask stupid questions and moan when they don't get what they want because they don't understand that its freeware and you do NOT have the right to moan if its not up to your standards. Though at the same time they should respect the fact that they can SEE that there is an option that is most likely better - instead of being an idiot who has only ever used Windows; "Windowz ftw lol evrytin else is fkin hoot you gay noobs get a real compooter" (that really REALLY infuriates me) - but cannot stray away from a familiar GUI as they aren't CL junkies.
I haven't found anything windows can do that (K)Ubuntu cannot. Except get 200+fps. Woopdedoo.


Macs have less viruses because there are less viruses made for them.
Macs have less issues because they only have specifically made hardware and software that all works together with each other.

That's how it is, glad a Mac commercial told the whole truth for once about the 2nd thing. Normally Mac commercials tell half the story to make PC look like a pile of junk... :-P

Click on the image...


Just prove you made the original xsi or have permission for me to convert it from the maker and I will convert it back for you.  I am always set to Away, even when there, but it is difficult to message you back when you are Offline. :P

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Just following up on Raven's post, *Nix based systems don't have many viruses for them because they don't usually have typical 'I know almost squat about my system' users. Aka, Windows still is the primary desktop system. Windows has an issue that most users are running in administrator mode, which is why Viruses can cause major damage, however, in corporate network with actual policies, you will find most users are NOT running in admin mode and their viruses cause far less damage.

Linux may or may not be as hard as Windows, depending on who set it up and how. I see allot of distributions leave the 'let root login directly via SSH' turned on, add the nice 'weak password' vulnerability and you got an instant root kit in your system. In my security class, I'm in charge of aiding a group harding their systems which we than use a full blown tennable security suit to attack it. First thing it reported on the Linux box..."I can log into root via SSH using the password of password". Ooops...

I also recall an article on Dark Reading that Macs are expected to get hammered by black hat hackers soon, they've been increasing as the common desktop, which in turn means hackers can actually get enough payback from their efforts to hack into the system.

Each OS obviously has their ups and downs, but I would still highly recommend staying away from a Mac. I also recommend staying away from Windows Vista (and any laptop/desktop explicitly designed for it). My recommendations would be to stick to Windows XP Pro, or if you know enough about Linux and don't care too much about gaming, go with a Linux distribution with Wine.

Oh, side note with the admin/windows thing. I found it to be good practice to go out and find Dropmyrights/Stripmyrights and use it regularly on your browser, e-mail clients and games. Does a great job of stopping most of those viruses, buffer overflows and scripts from doing stuff to your system since the admin permissions are explictly denied. Just be sure to adjust permissions on your gamming directories accordingly. ;)
"Linux is user friendly...
...it's just very selective about who its friends are."


I had to get my laptop online to dodge Vista. I suggest Windows XP Media Center Edition BTW, and of course a battery of tweaks.

I would love to get a Mac though, to toy with...
And to fix my old Personal System 1, cause I find running DOS programs in something native is more fun. (ZZT FTW!)

Click on the image...


yeh im in the process of getting permission from spAce now, but hes rarely online. its for my own use though if thats any help lol?!? trying to make something bigger

and general: ive always fancied a mac, but im so used to windows now. even if windows is crap :D

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Good Luck, spAce is really attached to his creations.

Click on the image...


yeah... scarily - if you value your life i suggest you refrain from using anything from ZE mod
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Quote from: Sonic on April 26, 2008, 08:58:10 PMOh, side note with the admin/windows thing. I found it to be good practice to go out and find Dropmyrights/Stripmyrights and use it regularly on your browser, e-mail clients and games. Does a great job of stopping most of those viruses, buffer overflows and scripts from doing stuff to your system since the admin permissions are explictly denied. Just be sure to adjust permissions on your gamming directories accordingly. ;)
Or just run as a reduced user or guest profile on your system, and if anything needs higher privs then just right-click on it and Run As a higher user; even more safe.

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Um, from a personal POV it takes me usually about 4 minutes to rip the Admin password from our work machines using the Windows Ultimate Boot CD and SamInside.  On those occasions that SamInside is not enough LC3 always comes through.  This is because our local network retained support for LANMAN passwords, it would take significantly longer if they'd drop that support.  They also make sucky passwords...  I've also pulled them off of Windows machines for other people in anwhere from 30 seconds to 4 days, depending on how complex they make them.

THIS is the real issue with home computers.  Users don't want "MyP@$$w0rD46", they want "Bob" for a password.  They don't want to right-click/run-as-admin to install things, and they WANT to click on that link in their email that tells them they just won the Nigerian Lottery...

I'm just now getting into Linux myself and can see where, from a web-surfing/email point of view at least, it's a serious threat to Windows.  If they had better game support I'd quit buying Windows completely (I've paid for 8 copies from 95 to 2KPro to XP, and borrowed a few XP Corporate unlocked versions) as they've gotten almost a grand out of me as it is (counting Office).

Enough is enough.   :-D



The ultimate thing I've found about stupid usernames and passwords was at school.

Username: RMadmin
Password: changeme
Spent the time unbanning internet bans etc nothing epic as there was no reason to as I actually like the school. Until they finally changed the password.

So as I was bored... half an hour and I was a full admin on the network whenever I wanted to bring proper justice to anyone.
Though I had to get my parents to complain about one particular teacher who was treating me very badly and made my A* a D for no apparent reason. Safe to say that teacher lost all privileges, email accounts, files etc. Oh and they got a personalized message everytime they logged on...
If something bad happens again I'm taking the whole server down for a week or two.
Meanest thing I've done is allow all users (aside from teachers) admin access on their workstations and changed the default desktop to something more 'tasteful'

Best thing is you can trick it to give you a temp user account with access to everything just by pulling the ethernet cable out whilst you log in. Map a network drive to peoples files etc is always fun. I spread firefox round everyones network drives as the program used to control internet access etc just blocked IE. So firefox pissed on that bonfire. Now they've blocked all .exe files not on the system and patched a lot of stuff. Still not a problem. So in a way, I helped them to improve their security as they were forced to.
They still really need to sort out the program they use to look at the screens of pupils, its so easy to freeze and trick or just completely block out its ridiculous.

Major OT there :D

General BlackDragon

HEHEHE your noughty....

*****General BlackDragon*****


Instead of a password Avatar, they should use Passphrases.  My main PC has a passphrase I changed it to recently, and I will admit, it is pure alpha characters with spaces and two other characters, which I will even say, a comma and an period.  However, my full passphrase is rather... long, although very easily memorized. :)

No dictionary attack would work, although every word is in the dictionary, brute force would probably take to the end of our Universe.  Etc...  I wonder why people just do not always use passphrases rather then passwords, if you type well enough it is no issue.

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