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Started by TheJamsh, May 03, 2008, 01:54:45 PM

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ERR |Debug           |               debug:757  |20:53:55|7888083|[ E X C E P T I O N ]
ERR |GLOBAL          |              I76win:72   |20:53:55|7888084|Patch 1.2 Jun 28 2000 10:54:02
ERR |Debug           |               debug:877  |20:53:55|7888084|Type: ACCESS VIOLATION
ERR |Debug           |               debug:878  |20:53:55|7888084|Info: READING from 000000C8h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:404  |20:53:55|7888084|CallStack:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:544  |20:53:55|7888084|0045238F +008F bzone.exe EXE TurretTankProcess.obj protected: virtual void  __thiscall TurretAttack::InitState(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:544  |20:53:55|7888084|0047BCAA +000A bzone.exe EXE MissionHandler.obj public: static void  __fastcall MissionHandler::Process(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:544  |20:53:55|7888096|006225AC +00EC bzone.exe main mainproc.obj public: static void  __fastcall Main::MessagePump(void)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:544  |20:53:55|7888096|00484AAB +021B bzone.exe EXE I76win.obj
ERR |Debug           |               debug:544  |20:53:55|7888096|76EC3833 +76EC3833 kernel32.dll [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:544  |20:53:55|7888096|77F1A9BD +77F1A9BD ntdll.dll [Unknown] [Unknown] [Unknown]
ERR |Debug           |               debug:427  |20:53:55|7888096|Registers:
ERR |Debug           |               debug:428  |20:53:55|7888097|EAX: 00000000h   CS: 0000001Bh  DS: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:429  |20:53:55|7888097|EBX: 0000D2DBh  EIP: 0045238Fh  ES: 00000023h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:430  |20:53:55|7888097|ECX: 37002D2Ah   SS: 00000023h  FS: 0000003Bh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:431  |20:53:55|7888097|EDX: 048C583Ch  EBP: 01B6FCBCh  GS: 00000000h
ERR |Debug           |               debug:432  |20:53:55|7888097|ESI: 047C742Ch  ESP: 01B6FADCh           
ERR |Debug           |               debug:433  |20:53:55|7888097|EDI: 00000000h                       
ERR |Debug           |               debug:443  |20:53:55|7888097| CF: 00010246h PF:0 AF:1 ZF:0 SF:1 OF:0
DIAG|Main            |            mainproc:152  |20:53:55|7888109|Entering critical shutdown

any ideas? happened during a savaaaaaaaaaaaaage battle!

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


No telling.  It has something to do with a turret.  Other than that, I have no idea.

I doubt the savegame would helpful to GSH due to it occuring in 1.2.  Earlier versions of 1.3 are too out of date to be useful.


i usually see that when a turret has no x and y axis - or an eyepoint
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


anything to do with me having about 20 turrets trying to deploy in the middle of the haeden base

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.