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whats the mazimum size i can have my map?

Started by TheJamsh, May 05, 2008, 08:03:49 AM

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OM i think youre sites down... or is it because im using IE?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


and what about my question involving textures? is it possible to have more than 14 slots now?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


More than 14 slots....!
I try to keep the number of textures on the map down, 4 textures is perfect as there are only 4 layers (making a winter rebuild easy), mixing textures on layers is something that has to be done by hand in the editor and of course using allot of textures does lower the performance of the map. Using high quality textures is a better way to improve the look of a map rather than using lots of different textures. Its an old game, putting on allot of make-up wont make it young and sexy.


No, my server is having issues, really hate shared servers at times...

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