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why does my weather setting keep turning itself off after about 30 seconds

Started by TheJamsh, May 04, 2008, 08:20:16 AM

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General BlackDragon

yea,...that sounds like what might be causing it.

That feature is erm....broken on some graphics cards (like....MINE  :-()

*****General BlackDragon*****


what does it do exactly? doesnt that make the texutres more "3D"

im using a GeForce LE 7600 (LE? Lite Edition :S???) on a dual core processor. affinity is setr to both processors i believe as well but after taking like 5 seconds to "warm up" its smooth as...

damn annoying.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Its not how good your card is, its how lucky you are. The percentage of cards that can do BZ2's Bump Mapping without issues is gradually reducing as more cards come out.

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I had the same problem with the sky turning bright and weather stopping when I played those first few missions.  I'm almost sure it was being caused by the automatic graphics reducing code.  Check to see if its turned on in gameprefs.

Bump maps seem to work on my GeForce 4 but, only in 1.3.


wel im playing 1.3.

right what am i looking for in gameprefs.ini?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Just a note for you, when pb4 comes out, don't edit gameprefs, edit localprefs to override gameprefs settings (it gets asset checked now). So, note your changes for things, although many shouldn't be needed in pb4.

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