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Caligari releases Truespace 7.6 as a free download.

Started by BNG Da BZ Fool, July 30, 2008, 11:42:07 AM

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BNG Da BZ Fool

I found this the other day and thought I'd like to post this for other modders looking for a alternate 3d modeler to play around with for making 3d models and props for BZII. There's no charge for the software, but you will need to create a free user account to download TS 7.6. I understand it's a full installation and not just a demo version. File size is 130 meg's and a PDF manual and tutorial videos are also downloadable at the same site. The web link is http://forums1.caligari.com/truespace/showthread.php?t=893. if anyone wants to get it...BNG

PS: The X exporter has been completely rewritten and optimized for XNA and XBOX game development as per Caligari's PR hype. Enjoy!

PPS: It's also compatible with TS 6.6, and has options to work with older file versions including the same X format that Gamespace uses which both THREED and 3DEX 1.x seem to work fine with.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

Red Devil

Thanks BNG.  Still waiting for the mod to okay my reg.
What box???

BNG Da BZ Fool

Not a prob Red. Just happened to stumble across it searching for other stuff on Truespace scripts, and found the link by accident. Seems like there's tons of free stuff out there, but finding it sometimes takes a while. I like Caligari products just can't afford to buy much of anything. Have fun I hope it proves to be of some use for other modders...BNG
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


Interesting, I must've glanced over the news too hastily when 7.6 came out and didn't realize that it's a full version (my cynical self: "Ah here we go again, a news email from Caligari about a new release which I can't afford."). Shiver me timbers.  I occasionally use trueSpace (versions 3SE and 4.3) and was playing around with the 7.5 demo.  Anyway, it seems almost too good to be true.  Hopefully the free full v7.6 is still around by this weekend when I only have broadband available (I'm on dialup atm).  Thanks for the post or I would've missed this opportunity, me and my cynicism.  Of course if I do miss it, I'll just shrug my arms and kick myself in the arsenic.

BNG Da BZ Fool

It really surprizes me when companies release free full versions of anything. I just wish that 7.6 was more useful for BZII, but modding tools for it seem to be dwinling or at best not very common. Still looking for a decent BZII XSI model editor. No luck so far though, but hey...ya never know? BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

BNG Da BZ Fool

I've begun making the transition from Gamespace to Truespace 7.6. I also began discovering some new things useful for TS 4.3 thru TS 6 users; if you click on TS6 Files icon; then you'll be able to both load and save older TS 4.3 thru 6.6, X, ISS, and WRL SCN files along with saving them too.

Objects can also be saved to TS 4.3 thru TS 6.6, ASC, 3DS, CAN, DFX, X, and STL. Additionally, you can import quite a few different file types including PRJ (GMAX uses this format). It also imports GEO files (doesn't BZ1 use this format?) Figured this one out purely by trail and error after almost giving up on it due to the lack of older format support. Ironically, it looks like Caligari pulled the plug on Gamespace for good is favor of Truespace 7.6 as I understand it.

The user interface like other Caligari products uses easy to understand icons for using it's modeling tools, but they're essentially the same as Gamespace so making the transition should be a piece of cake for anyone with eyeballs and at least one hand to click the mouse buttons.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


There was actually a tSx XSI importer several years ago.  It didn't take animated models though and it was a time-limited extension.  I think I was able to directly import a BZII model into tS that way.  I talked to the author about anims, but new releases finally died off. I still have a copy somewhere, but not sure exactly where.  Mind you this was like at least 6 years ago.  But yes, there are alternative methods, such as you've mentioned, and they are the way to go.   I know Slaor does trueSpace and have used it for BZII.

BNG Da BZ Fool

I've been looking for an XSI anything for use with Truespace products, but no luck so far.

I love their products enough to bite the bullet and learn Caligari's TSX version of Python scripts eventually. There also seems to be a ton of free or low cost TS plug ins available on the web too.

I've also begun the process of migrating all of my Gamespace library objects and scene files into 7.6 by copying them into my 7.6 library directory. I've gotten so used to using Gamespace that using other Caligari products like Truespace is really very easy to work between using them all.

Even nicer is the no poly limit in 7.6. GSL, had a sucky 650 poly limit/5000 for scene files. Now I'll be able to create some nicely detailed model files with 7.6. 
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.



Quote from: OvermindDL1 on August 16, 2008, 09:12:51 PM
Does TS7.6 have a plugin SDK?

OM, I'm not sure if there's one for 7.6 yet.  I think it's still too early for an SDK for it.  And I haven't done any asking at the Caligari forum (where usually someone would know).  But you can try these earlier versions:  http://www.caligari.com/download/tsx.asp

BNG Da BZ Fool

I suspect that it does, but is so new that it may not have come out yet. It basically ti is my new replacement for Gamespace which I understand now has gone the way of the Dodo bird at least that's what I gather from the posts at Caligari's web site. As soon as they release the SDK I'll get and post a link. I also going to do a search for an XSI importer/exporter as some said said previous releases of Truespace had a XSI something which might work with 7.6. BNG...crosses his fingers and rubs his magical oil lamp....

When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

BNG Da BZ Fool

I added my email for Caligari to notify me when the SDK for TS 7.6 is released. I also downloaded a web based application for Truespace called, Virtual Earth. Apparently, It allows users to view 3d models uploaded online at Caligari's web site. It looks really cool from what little I've seen so far.

Truespace, apparently also supports collaborative modeling with other TS users by allowing modeling sessions online with multiple modelers. Which if I understand correctly would allow a BZII modeling teams to work together to create (the models and props) for say an expansion mod. Quite an interesting concept if one thinks of the possibilities. Perhaps it's just me, but if any other TS peeps would like to give it a go at some point then I'd be willing to try my hand at making a collaborative expansion mod for BZII. Also, considering TS 7.6 is free for the asking then anyone else interested could download it and participate as well. What do you guys think? BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

BNG Da BZ Fool

The more I think about TS 7.6 the more I realize that your also getting TS 6 for nothing. I'll probably never use all of the features of 7.6, but considering that I upgraded from Gamespace lite to a way more capable 3d modeler; I am one very happy camper! No more 650 face models unless that's what I want, the ability to import all of my GSL stuff into 7.6, the added file save formats like 3DS; GSL didn't save in this popular format. Boy, God really does answer prayers from us poor slobs. I still have GSL installed on my system, wonder if it's worth keeping.

PS: Now all I need is someone to convert my animated models to BZII XSI and off I go into the wild blue yonder...BNG. OBTW, Caligari released a Beta SDK for 7.6 the link to get it is  http://cdn.caligari.com/SDK/sdk_tS76PublicBeta3.zip (7.5Mb)
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

BNG Da BZ Fool

Hey fellow BZ dudes, 7.6 has a bug with one of its render modules. It's the one called, virtual light.tsr; don't use it for now as it causes the application to hang. Caligari, acknowledges a problem with it and said a patch was being developed. I made the mistake of trying it and ended up reinstalling 7.6 from scratch again to correct the issue. A tech guy at Caligari claimed that deleting the default.ctx file would correct the issue, but I tried that and it didn't help at all.

PS: I also found a nice little import feature in 7.6 that allows you to load external library files like object and scene types from say earlier versions of Truespace and Gamespace light. Access it by clicking TS6 Files>Load>Library.Then search for the folder and hit OK. A new icon will appear and when you click on the chair icon your imported library will be accessible for the remainder of your modeling session; multiple libraries can be imported with a new chair icon appearing for each one you import. BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

BNG Da BZ Fool

I'll say one thing for 7.6, Caligari promptly responses back when users send in crash reports as I've been emailed by a support tech on more then several occasions. Not too shabby for a free 3d modeler. Most of my crashes have been related with older TS 6 issues with the newer interface that 7.6 uses, but it's pretty cool that I essentially get 7.6 and TS all for nothing. Life is good! Mongo, very happy..........
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.