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Steeveeo's Recycler Variant version 2.20 released!

Started by Steeveeo, May 26, 2008, 08:53:39 PM

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I could never figure NSIS out, I just use the ZIPtoEXE option. You can have it default to where you want it, at least.

Zero Angel

Brilliant. I played a single game of MPI: dunes on the Easy AIP (because its my first time playing SRV), all other options default. I got all basic tech (fac/arm/service), 2 UGs (upgraded pools), 2 normal pools (mid-center and mid-east), a turret (x3) emplacement at the center pool (Northgate) had a cons enroute to the eastern pool (Eastgate) to build a relay/GT to protect it, and by extension, my secondary UG in the Southeast, though I wasted scrap on 2 silos which I didnt need  -- My plan was to get some GT's up at Eastgate, then upgrade it. Then with the 3 UGs create a lot of base defenses, then get some decent tech.

So I just chained my ship, and then all of the sudden the bomber comes from the SIDE, and I couldnt kill it fast enough and it destroys my service bay+rat, and weakens the adjacent factory and armoury. There's an enemy tank in my base, but I have more important things to do, as I notice that the turret emplacement at NORTHGATE and the GT building site at EASTGATE is under attack at the same time, so I rush over to help them. I come back and only my rec and 2 powergens are left. So I start spamming out turrets with my 2 UGs, My second UG comes under attack and my base rats are getting rapidly obliterated by the sabres that keep wandering into my base. NORTHGATE falls (lost rats and pool) then inside of my own base I lose my ship to a sabre that's attacking it, but manage to build a new one -- then I notice the field constructor and relay i'm trying to build at EASTGATE is under attack again, so I rush off to help it, determined to get a GT up there and protect my eastern flanks, but its too late since its getting hit by an asstank and RT, the cons and relay die, I lose my ship and then I notice that theres an asstank and RT going into my base from NORTHGATE (which already fell to their attack). Umm yeah, gg. I just got totally obliterated on the EASY AIP. If I had like 30 more seconds, I wouldve formed a coherent defense, but they just hit everything at once right before I was about to get GT's. Still was fun.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Heh, I was wondering if I overpowered the bomber by giving it a very wide turn path (300), guess it just enhanced strategy?

BTW,  a couple Rocket towers along your perimeter (along both sides and possibly on cliffs) sure do help. LRM towers also can hit the bomber from afar and possibly kill the bomb (maybe) with their high damage radius. Just though I should let you know ;)

Oh, and damn, forgot to include one README. Basically it said this:

To use Advanced (heavy) Surface Attack missiles (Hammer and Dark Matter Rocket), you need to have a secondary base with the following buildings for each side:

Research Center

Dark Matter Generator

The reason you need to know this here is because of a nasty little bug that I cannot root out right now, causing the requirement of the advanced buildings to never show up and just show a blank spot.

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Gone to college, but I now have internet.


hmm double check the 'requirements' bit in each one, not a REALLY Simple spelling mistake or missed a " or anything?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


No, we checked, they are required correctly. Its either an Engine or a CFG limitation, and changing either is beyond the scope of SRV.

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i dont know if this is wat he said but this is wat the othe guy said but this is wat i would do

i would use the odf edit thingy from bzscrap i think i got it there

load up ur, im pretty sure its a ship style odf that u used and not weapon style like the xmod, and do the same thing with a tank (a tank needs a relay bunker 2 be made in the factory right) <-- im pretty sure

and then u copy that idea

and then u dont us the luancher with a armory style odf, that i think u used, but a factory type of odf because idk i think it might help cause u also got the artillary there 2

but im no expert so i would not try it on the version that works


(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


The requirements are coded correctly in the ODFs. The game is not capable of showing that many requirements. There is NO FIX. We made it RIGHT.

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Quote from: Nielk1 on May 29, 2008, 09:33:08 PM
The requirements are coded correctly in the ODFs. The game is not capable of showing that many requirements. There is NO FIX. We made it RIGHT.
Wait, are you saying it can only show 4 reqs? If so I can take out the Service Bays as a requirement!

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Um, isn't that what WE found Steeveeo... We ALL working on SRV determined that...

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Quote from: Nielk1 on May 29, 2008, 09:44:49 PM
Um, isn't that what WE found Steeveeo... We ALL working on SRV determined that...
Nobody told ME about it, thought it was a building glitch!

You guys need to TELL me about this kinda stuff! Otherwise I cant fix it!

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Don't try to fix it.  It's fine the way it is.  From what N1 says, PB4 will allow more requirements (and still show all of them).

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


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The point still stands, when you guys find a solution to some problem, TELL ME! I was looking for the answer to this problem ever since 2.06 came out!

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.