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sound issues...

Started by TheJamsh, June 01, 2008, 07:42:49 AM

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recently ive been expanding the scion race and that involved making new ambient building sounds, trouble is a lot of them dont play for some reason... do they have to have certain properties?

also, is there any way to get my shell music to play continuously even when im taken to different parts of the menus, so when i come to the pilot selection screen, my track will begin to play, then when i get to the next screen, the song just continues it doesnt restart?

im also having issues with buildings not playing all sounds, for example the recycler and matriarch no longer talk to me when i ask them to build something, or make a sound when construction is complete ("synthesising now" "synthesis complete" etc...)

Betty, what a dear, is not talking either, the dim bint has been silent the whole time. why do betty sounds not play anymore?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quoterecently ive been expanding the scion race and that involved making new ambient building sounds, trouble is a lot of them dont play for some reason... do they have to have certain properties?
Yes... cant say what's wrong, you will have to debug it yourself.

Quotealso, is there any way to get my shell music to play continuously even when im taken to different parts of the menus, so when i come to the pilot selection screen, my track will begin to play, then when i get to the next screen, the song just continues it doesnt restart?
Completely redesign the shell... :-)

Quoteim also having issues with buildings not playing all sounds, for example the recycler and matriarch no longer talk to me when i ask them to build something, or make a sound when construction is complete ("synthesising now" "synthesis complete" etc...)

Betty, what a dear, is not talking either, the dim bint has been silent the whole time. why do betty sounds not play anymore?
They work on my Install, maybe you have them turned off.


Removed the last post, lets try to be careful when posting things from your BZ2 files like that.


Are you using the correct format for sounds? Ie .WAV 44,100KHz 16-bit Mono? (Dont quote me on this, just guessing, but Im pretty sure it HAS to be Mono output)

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Any sound placed in 3D has to be mono. Things that are 2D (Bettyvoice, shell music, etc) can be stereo. As to frequency, engine sounds need to be 11025Hz (11Khz). The rest don't matter, and can be up to 44Khz.

With Ogg sounds (only in later 1.3 builds), same rules apply. They should really only be used for things that are already 2D, such as the aforementioned bettyvoice, shell music, mission dialogs, etc.

-- GSH


Quote from: GSH on June 01, 2008, 01:20:46 PM
Any sound placed in 3D has to be mono. Things that are 2D (Bettyvoice, shell music, etc) can be stereo.

-- GSH
So was I correct about the KHZ or does it really matter?

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Quote from: Feared_1 on June 01, 2008, 10:25:06 AM
Removed the last post, lets try to be careful when posting things from your BZ2 files like that.

what was it about?
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


they were my files linking to betty.. the localize.odf file

no idea why he removed it :S

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

General BlackDragon

There was no reason to remove the quote from localize.odf.

The betty voices "sounds" are referanced from event.odf.

Has anyone found a solution to this yet? He's having this problem in Stock PB3.

*****General BlackDragon*****


its okay.. solved it

dont ask me why, but the betty sounds dont play in a blank map with no .dll

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.