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Strange Problem

Started by shane ward, June 08, 2008, 03:14:30 PM

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shane ward

OK, I have included two files for you all to investigate. ("Right Click" and "Save As".)

The thing is that if I use these tunnels in the editor they work fine, I can fly the ship through them fine without jumping back onto the surface or stopping dead for no reason.

But as soon I start the game and have it going it all goes strange.

First I did have the problem of popping up to the surface and out of the tunnel but I then added "canCollide = 1" which then stops me dead in my tracks and I cannot go any further. this also happens in the editor, but when "canCollide = 1" is off I can pass through OK in the editor but not pass in the game.

Any Ideas, Or something wrong with the model...... I have it embedded into a map and I did not know this happened until I played the map. Now it is kinds messed up without the tunnel.  Help urgently needed.

Thanks ;)
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -

BNG Da BZ Fool

Are you using 1.3 or 1.2? Try it out in both versions, and see if it behaves the same way. Also, the way the files appear when I click on them in my browser look very strange without their' normal formating making it difficult to notice any obvious issues. Did the original odf have an animation as I see an entry in your odf? I don't really know if that makes any difference other then perhaps checking into the possiblity that the game engine needs to see like a dummy SI_AnimationKey entry in the xsi file. BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

shane ward

The ODF editor added that, and It did not cause this problem as it was allready there, I used the editor to add other values that might work. It did not however.

The tunnel was tested on 1.3bp I have a feeling it might work OK on 1.2 but not sure.

The 1.3 editor seems to work fine with the tunnel, but the 1,3 game program has a problem.

I think you will have to Save File as when you click on the links, as they are opened.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


mate... that model gave me a stack overflow, do you realize how bloody big it is??

youve gotta make it smaller - into segments even!!!
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com

shane ward

 :roll: It is made for a big map, Not the little ones used in BZ2. I like to do things ...... BIG!!!!!!

Try the Map I posted a few weeks back, If you still got it. It should fit into that map perfectly!!!. Note I have not included any entry or exit modules, you will have to move your ship into the tunnel before saving then playing it.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -

shane ward

Anyone that does not have the map, they will need a level that has a terrain set to in the trn file: -


The model will fit perfectly in to the map.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


im curious... what does stack overflow do and what is it?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


It is when a program has used more memory on the stack then the stack has been allocated, hence overflowing the stack, usually corrupts a program at that point.

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script via GreaseMonkey


no - shane - the model will not work in the game because it is too large - even on the correct size map it will not work
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com

shane ward

Quote from: bigbadbogie on June 08, 2008, 05:24:38 PM
no - shane - the model will not work in the game because it is too large - even on the correct size map it will not work

It works fine when I loaded it up and if you read my first post it says I can fly through it, but in the game, I jump out the tunnel at some point, like a face or something is out of place or something to do with collition.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Quote from: bigbadbogie on June 08, 2008, 05:24:38 PM
no - shane - the model will not work in the game because it is too large - even on the correct size map it will not work

BBB, that is not true, test before you say things like that and asert them as facts.

I have objects 50 times larger than that. I was running into fog issues though.

Click on the image...

shane ward

Umm Pritty sure I solved the problem,

The tunnel seems to be fine, it is the buildings that might be the problem.

EG I have this huge tunnel under the ground and any building I put in or over the top of the tunnel will interfear with the it, and if a building is destroyed like a guntower turret then a hole of somesort will open in the tunnel and the player will jump to the surface of the map making the tunnel unusable.

I have solved this problem by removing guntower class turrets out and above the tunnels, but I realy wanted to use them.

Also removed any buildings around the top of the tunnel on the surface as this also made holes in the tunnel.

Any Idears how I use guntower turrets in the tunnels.  Seems the building classes are conflicting with the tunnel.

Hope this gives new Idears...

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Quote from: Nielk1 on June 08, 2008, 05:46:15 PM
BBB, that is not true, test before you say things like that and asert them as facts.

I have objects 50 times larger than that. I was running into fog issues though.

really... you have buildings that take up a 128000x128000 map?? id like to see that!!!
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


So you know the map squares where also huge.

I was trying to make a planet to scale from a space mod. Don't go for perfect 1:1 scale, trust me.

On the bright side, I can get some rather huge things in reasonably.

Click on the image...


a... planet... to... scale.....

wow!!! -- im having problems putting in a carrier that is tiny compared to that -
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com