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Strange Problem

Started by shane ward, June 08, 2008, 03:14:30 PM

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Technicly, mine is not as bad as it sounds as the map squares were massive two.

I think this thing only took up 1 square:

Click on the image...


thats an awesome model nielk1

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

BNG Da BZ Fool

That is a cool model. Eventually, I'd like to make a water based aircraft carrier now that I have a general understanding of modeling. Something that could actually launch at least one aircraft at a time and recover it as well. I guess that would probably require a custom odf huh?
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


i reckon it could be faked pretty well but if it was a building it wouldnt build on water (or would it? ive never tryed)

and vehicle collisions are too poo to let it happen lol

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


If you copy/paste the tunnel frame-mesh and rename the second one collision_h it will create an invisible collision frame exactly the same shape as the tunnel, this model might stress bz2 out with a collision frame if it has allot of polys.

No you cannot put colliding buildings on top of or inside other buildings, obviously you can put vehicles on or in tunnel buildings.

In the 1.3 console there is debug.collision, which it very usefull with buildings.

The other way to do tunnels is to use the map as the tunnel floor and build the tunnel roof and ground above as the model.
Remember the short collapsing tunnel in one of the stock bane 1 player missions, its in the xsi pack.

shane ward

Quote from: mrtwosheds on June 09, 2008, 12:09:48 PM
If you copy/paste the tunnel frame-mesh and rename the second one collision_h it will create an invisible collision frame exactly the same shape as the tunnel, this model might stress bz2 out with a collision frame if it has allot of polys.

No you cannot put colliding buildings on top of or inside other buildings, obviously you can put vehicles on or in tunnel buildings.

In the 1.3 console there is debug.collision, which it very usefull with buildings.

The other way to do tunnels is to use the map as the tunnel floor and build the tunnel roof and ground above as the model.
Remember the short collapsing tunnel in one of the stock bane 1 player missions, its in the xsi pack.

If you look at the model in a 3D editor it looks very detailed, as it was exported from battlezone at the start, so making a Collision is not suitable, I allready knew this little trick, Like in my mod it uses this same Idea. The tunnel it's self is fine. But because it is terrain Class, I cannot put other building on top or in it, alltho the game allows this, but once the object is destroyed any vehicle near the destroyed building will jump to the surface.

I do not know what the Debug Collision in the comsole will do. What is it?

And making the tunnel like you said will not be suitable for this type of map. The player needs to go under the ground.

All I can do is think of using diffrent classes that will work in the tunnel. The PowerLug works well and can have animation in the building. Also units work OK as well. But I want to have guntowers in the tunnel. Any ideas how to make this without using the turret class?
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Debug.collisions highlights building collision frames in blue, so you can see where they work or not.

QuoteBut I want to have guntowers in the tunnel. Any ideas how to make this without using the turret class?
I think Gun towers are just terrain owning turret class, if they don't own terrain they would use a vehicle type collision. you would probably have to spawn them in the tunnel via a script.

Also note that some effects do not work underground, emiters, lights etc