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Modlog proposer

Started by Commando, June 13, 2008, 11:06:55 PM

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Who is the person who initially came up with the idea of creating a modlog for 1.3?  I want to say either Huscar or Nielk1, but I could be wrong.  I looked for that thread, but it appears to have been lost during the board change.

Red Devil

Why?  Do you want to punch them in the nose now?  :lol:
What box???


I was going to give him/her credit for the idea.  I think it was Huscar, but I can't confirm that.


I don't think it was me, was it? You might be remembering the BZEncyclopedia I kept trying to make and finally just made a wiki.

If you got the idea from me, I wasn't in the beta at the time.

Click on the image...


No it was in the public 1.3 boards that the idea was proposed.


Good idea, I overloaded my (biological) memory attempting to read and absorb data from the change log.
Maybe just need to delete all entry's that do not contain useful info for modders.


I sent my finished, as of public beta four, copy of the modlog to Red Devil.  I believe he's going to be revising it for release.  It's finished unless anyone brings any new settings that I accidently left out to my attention.

It'll be in windows .chm format so it will hopefully be more userfriendly that my old .rtf format one.

Red Devil

I have some friends coming up today for a visit, so I'll go through it afterwards.  From first glance latte last night, it looked pretty darn good.  "Pretty darn good."   :-D
What box???


There are probably a lot of pages that need to be rewritten for consistency and clarity.  A lot of them were written while I was somewhat zoned out due to the tediousness of it all.

Red Devil

Okay, I hear ya. I'll send it back to you when finished.
What box???


Look for typos like the word "ass" instead of "as" too.

Click on the image...

Red Devil

Hey, I'm always lookin' for...*cough*, hmmm, well, ummmm, nevermind.
What box???

Ego - Nikolas