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Need Help with BZ2,Performance,FPS,don't know

Started by Shephren, June 29, 2008, 11:24:27 AM

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System:XP SP2
Intel Dual Core 2x 2,99GHZ
Nvidia 7600 GT
2GB Ram

Could you be more specific on the Intel Dual Core processor.  Is it a Pentium D or a Core 2 Duo, or a dual core celeron?  I believe there are dual core celerons now.

Anyways.  I recommend trying a spyware scan using adaware.  Just in case you have some spyware running in the background killing your performance.  At that speed, the game should run just fine at high. 



It's a Pentium D.
I already got an older version of AdAware,but i'll try the newer version,perhaps it finds a bit more.

Hm...is there something like a mod that pushes my fps?i started BZ2 windowed,the fps was 112 when i looked away from the base,but when i turned arround,it goes down to 12 or 8.Same with high AND low graphics.That sucks.


That is because more things on in the viewing frustum; BZ2 does its transformation on the cpu rather than the video card, so the more things, the slower it gets...

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