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My "minimod"

Started by Mauler_Bait, July 04, 2008, 06:34:30 PM

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Ive been playing around with this little mini mod ive had going for a while now...since pb2, and i would really like to give it to someone more experienced than me and see what they thought of it....its got just about every ship in battlezone 2 fe and G66 mods all in one PLUS i made room for the new units in PB4, and a few variants i made...also has a few weps from g66 and a few i made up myself thrown in. I just wanted someone to test it out and see what they thought.

  There are also many (MANY!!!) different variants of guntowers and Spires in here, and i also made a lot of the units automatically engage air targets that wander too close...so dont expect that pack of Sabres to be easy pickings for your bomber..one just may be armed with a mass driver and shoot that sucker right out the sky :)
  Also tweaked all the ships and weapons quite a bit...all ships regenreate health....missile scouts have light armor and come in 2 versions...one is the hvy missile scout...(i had this before i found out about the one in pb4) 1 combat and one assault. there is also a heavy scout with light armor for all you scout fans :),as i love to use the scout late in the game, but the lack of ammo capacity and armor mean mean i cant really stand up to the heavier ships. This version also comes stock with a isdf shield (witch can now be added on from the factory or rec, or launched from the armory-costs no ammo to keep it on)

  There are also combat and assault versions of the attilla walker rocket tank and assault tank and, but the assault tank loses its mortars for 2 machine guns. Ive only just started working over the scions ships, but its still quite unbalanced....even though Gouhls with omega burst and hvy machine guns are nasty :P This was ment only for mpi, as it isnt remotely balanced enough for stratting, even if both played as the same race :), Especially with the higher end guntowers and spires in the game...if your opponent managed to get up a Scion Gauss spire, then anythnig within 300 meters would get toasted fairly quickly, or even worse the scion missile spire-ESPECIALLY if you upgrade it.  The level 2 version has one Momma of an assault mode missile-the Helios. Goes off with a powerful explosion and will ruin a scouts day in 1 hit if hes close enuf to the center. But since its an image seeker its not the best idea to spam a lot of these because of the small image signature of bombers and other airborne targets. By the time you lock the bomber or apc it will be far too late :)
You can mount this missile on your hover units, but in all ships its only 1 shot per full load of ammo.

Edit- Fixed the paragraphs so you wouldnt get bored :P

General BlackDragon

I'll admit, I got as far as the whole units attacking when enemies wondering too close, so dont expect ...." before i gave up reading it.

use seperate paragraphs pls  :-D

And I'll give it a whirl.

*****General BlackDragon*****


Have you tested it outside of the editor?
There is no knowledge that is not power.


Hehe sorry im a lazy bastid and hate to use the enter key. :P

Ok where could i host my stuff up so people can download it... i have a special .cfg file so you dont have to install another instance of Public beta 4 in order to run it, all you need is a modified shortcut...

And i dont know what you mean but testing in the editor....all units or weapons i modded i simply made a .odf and tested it in a saved instant action game. I also tested an earlier version online with a friend of mine against the computer and it worked correctly then. Ive just gottten done tweaking the majority of the units and weps to work with the new aips and such of PB4. (like fixing that odd missile curve problem with heat seekers....) I wouldnt mind one of you guys making a tweaked version that could be balanced enough for strats...very bloody strats tho....:)

General BlackDragon

*****General BlackDragon*****


I can also supply space.  BZScrap should be able to as well.

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savefile.com works if the mod is under 60 megs

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


I can help test if needed.


I suggest testing your mod too. ;)

Trust me, you test your mod with a beta testing, people won't jump down your throat when things go wrong (Trust me, I was a fool when I thought preliminary beta testing was enough. I got hammered by everybody here when I released Cerberi Revenge without fully bug testing.)

Jonathan S.


I have made and tested my entire mod by myself. I dont exactly trust beta-testers for the following reasons:

1- They are not around when I would need them (damn timezones!!)

2- Only I know how I want the mod made and would prefer to do it free of suggestions.

3- I have enough spare time to test and fix the entire mod by myself.

Although I can understand that other people will always find bugs that I missed. Damn hard decisions  :x
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


1. That's not an excuse..... there are users all over the worlds, there is bound to be someone on when you are, plus, its called PMing you results and you PMing them assets. (email works to :P)

2. They aren't to Dev team, they are just there to see what you have done and tell you what is broken or doesn't work, ignore their suggestions if needed ( sry guys, but its true, sometimes we just need to do the job and that's it)

3. Lucky you....  :-(

(note: I finally used spell check first time around :D)


1- Almost all users are in America and are asleep by the time I am modding.

2- If people have the chance to complain about something they dont like, then I can hardly release it without fixing it, but then someone else doesnt like it...... Better to just do it the way I want it free of those hassles.

3- I know.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Hehe glad to see i got some support on here :P

I dont mind if y all whine and complain about them not working right its what im posting it for :) i have a few more changes to make, delete a few unessisary files and ill start emailing it to you guys first for testing before i put it on a website

I know it still needs TONS of work done on it, as i havent quite gotten the scions the way i wanted them, plus lotsa quirks and stuff i noticed with the ai controlled ships....i love the fact that ai wingmen are now at halfway decent at helping protect you in pb4, but for some of the units i had to give them longer engage ranges to have a better chance of engageing air targets...so that squad of heavy scouts you told to follow you will go hauling ass after the guntower ahead of you and get creamed just as a titan or walker comes blundering around the corner :) sorta frustrating, but can be avoided if you keep en eye on your ships. I like the Heavy scouts to be agressive like that because they come stock with a pretty nasty gun and will shred through enemies fairly quickly.

Another little quirk i noticed was with the turrets...I modded these with 200 yard enguage ranges, but set them to use the weapons max range as both races have assault mode guns capable of that distance. Problem is if you forget to tell your turrets to hold position after they deploy, sometimes they "go stupid" because and enemy unit is hanging just behind a hill under 200 yards, but a mauler comes barreling over the hill while they fixate on the hidden unit.


@bbb: good luck on the mod if your harddrive crashes and/or your backups fail. It seems that 50% of the big mods died that way.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


I can give you access to my svn server if you want to keep backups.

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