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bridge building unit

Started by TheJamsh, July 12, 2008, 06:41:52 AM

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would it be possible to build bridges via the following method.

youre constructor builds a powered building class with owns terrain set to 1 and approriatte ODF tunnels. (say for example the ISDF bridge ramp).

the ramp has a well placed hp_tap_1 object, with a tap determined in the ODF... (but the autoBuild flag is set to 0 so that the next section doesnt automatically build)

you continue this with each flat piece of the bridge until you get to the end, then have another constructor build the ramp at the other side?

so long as you have a buildable piece of terrain near the water, and a hovering constructor to find it way to the other side it would surely work? im going to experiment with this later...

it would be easier if you could select from a list of tapping options though, tap either a corner, crossing, ramp end or another segment... but i guess thats dreaming...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


It probably took you longer to type that than it would have to test it...  :)

You CAN tap off section after section.  You can even do so while the cons is ON the previous section.  It's the other end that's a problem in that you can't guarantee that the height will be the same unless you sculpt the terrain such that you restrict WHERE such a bridge can be built.

So, it works fine with the appropriate bridge sections, but ending it is sometimes an issue.

One thing I haven't tried is specifying TWO tap objects for each section; one would be another section and the other would be the end piece... 

Taps have such a HUGE potential for modding, and I'm very greatful that GSH expanded them as much as he has, but we have to realize that there's always going to be more that would be cool...



aye... if you read my post about tap options under the 'pb4a 'request' if you like...' topic that would just about tap it off.

i think tapped dropship building s could make awesome and scary landings. im planning to blow the doors off in one of my mod missions during a landing. cool!

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.