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Want To Learn Blender 3D? (Sure You Do!)

Started by TheJamsh, July 11, 2008, 06:03:23 PM

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Blender is a very powerful free open scource program that is renowned for its difficultto comprehend OpenGL interface. However many have thought "if i learn this, ill be laughing" about blender and now the oppurtunity is being blatantly pointed out. i myself (who has had NO modelling experience before except in CAD programs) have learnt how to model in blender in a matter of days thanks to this tutorial.

my advice is not to give up. KEEP reading and going through. follow the tutorials with blender open in the background. this wiki book taught me most of the key modelling features for BZII in blender in a matter of days, and im sharing it with you all in case you havent found it yet.

download the latest blender version here: http://www.blender.org

and find the amazing tutorial here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I have to agree. Don't give up too soon on Blender. It is an awesome program to learn. There are lots of things I have yet to learn but I love the program. One other thing I would suggest is just playing around with the program. Some of the things that I learned how to do with the program I learned by just sitting there and trying out different buttons. Just use the default cube it puts there and try doing different things with it. I find it fun when I learn something new by doing that.



Difficult to comprehend OpenGL interface?  The heck does B3D and OpenGL have to do with each other, one is a modeler, the other is a C programming API...

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i read that the whole interface is drawn using openGL? or heard it in a tutorial

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


As stated, OpenGL is just an API, that means that B3D should run on anything that supports OpenGL, which is just about any system in existence right now, unlike things like Direct3D. :P

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Heh, that is true, B3D would probably run fine on that, just a 'little' slow, not to mention might need a bit more memory just to store it. :P

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Quote from: GSH on July 12, 2008, 01:10:45 PM

It exists. :P

-- GSH

It's amazing how the sight of one of those still makes my heart go pitter-pat, even after all these years.  I used to prowl the local college for unsupervised apples to write my interminable graphics demos on.


I never really did get interested in those, I had those high-end IBM PC's to work on at the time instead, not as pretty an interface, but I was able to program on it (started with basic DOS shell scripts when I was like 4, when to advanced basic, then quickbasic, the full version, not qbasic, then dabbled in turboPascel (or delphi? one of those) and turboC, then Windows 95 came out, where I also got a hold of a copy of Visual Studio 4 (still have it around here somewhere, along with VS5, VS6, VS7.1, and VS8, did not get VS7, and have not yet got VS9) and started learning C++, I tried to learn Visual Basic, continuing with what I knew in Basic, but it did not translate over and I wanted to learn something that could do shell stuff easily (even using Win95 I still dropped down into full DOS mode often just because I liked and knew it better), hence I started learning C++ fully, been keeping at it ever since.  So as you can see, I never really dealt with the Apple II line, or any of them really. :P
I definitely did some fancy graphic stuff in DOS, just change the screen mode to something VGA capable and draw away, even wrote a basic raytracer once (although who doesn't really, they are pretty simple), although I used formulas to defines objects rather than polygons, more of a pov-ray style I guess, but it let me have perfectly round spheres around and such, never did support animation, just basic scenes, no reflections, no shadows... was quite fast though.  I still say that instead of drawing polygons we should have models be made up of mathematical formula and draw using those, would look far better, and if you really need poly's for whatever reason, those can be defined using simple mathematical planes, but for example, something roung, you can have something be drawn perfectly round to any resolution, and fast using that style, whereas with polys it takes a whole ton of them.  Look at pov-ray though, look at their hall-of-fame screenshot area, all done using mathematical formula, if the hardware support existed (heck, I prefer voxals over polygons even...) things would be better, although making the initial models would be more difficult, the tools would be better though to compensate, things like the modeler Houdini are perfect for such things.

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ah,. i thought openGL was some kind of graphics drawing software or something. (i dont know much of the terminology so excuse me for sounding a bit dumb in this department)

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com