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look how quick you can progress in blender 3d

Started by TheJamsh, July 12, 2008, 05:47:38 PM

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Do you have python installed? What does the error say in the console window?

Also just tried the exporter again and still couldn't get the texture to show up. Please let us know the steps you take to get the texture to show up OM, thanks.



EDIT: Ive fixed all problems and can now import a unit without textures/colours or weapons :-D :-D :-D. Could someone please explain how this is done?


What was that script error and how did you fix it?
And you can still place hp's in B3D like in 3ds max or softimage, so those tutorials will still work (just different terminology and such).

When I get some time again I will try to create a quick example of making one with a texture.

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script via GreaseMonkey


Thx OM, I dont think there was even a real problem as I can load the (white) model successfully. I'll look for these hard point tutorials, cant seem to find any, tried searching "hardpoint" and "hard point" I've only got general details, I think it has to be a separate object, but can it be made on the same screen as the tank or does it have to be a seperate blender file (called hp_cannon_01 and hp_cannon_02 etc..?) It seems although there is no required shape, a triangle is common (how to determine the direction it fires?)

Oh well, I'll keep looking....

BNG Da BZ Fool

Blender, is a bit of challenge to keep using, i.e., too many things to remember. Every time I walk away from it for a while, and then come back again; it's like I have to relearn it all over again.

I have a demo version of Lightwave 8.5 and it's easier to use then Blender. This version of LW 8.5 exports in 3DS as well. It's also free at www.newtek.com/lightwave if anybody wants to obtain a demo CD directly from NewTek. The UI is very similar to SI3D, and is pretty well document with sufficient help files to get a new modeler started. PS: It also exports in LW 5, OBJ, and several other Blender importable formats. Update: The help files have some useful modeling definitions defined that help explain some of the terms I've heard tossed around by various other modders about stuff like bounding box, alpha channel, etc.

The way I see it use a modeler your comfortable with to make your models, import them into B3D, and then use the OM XSI exporter to finish the model for use with BZII. A side benefit would be that you would not need to learn a complex modeler like B3D just to test a single export module. Personally, I prefer using GSL which exports in X format and which B3D imports without a problem. GSL, is also easy to learn by non modeling idiots like myself; no pun intended...BNG. 
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


id like a specific BZII model compatible tutorial for blender... my textures havent shown up at all. one of my models has gone nuts (it was an imported terrain frame from a BZII model)

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

BNG Da BZ Fool

Like GSL, nobody seems to use B3D for BZII model making. You may have to write the tutorial yourself TJ; like I've attempted doing with GSL and Truespace 3.2. I also started getting the hang of LW 8.5, but it's way more complex then GSL or TS 3.2, but I'm going to attempt that along with  learning more about B3D as well.

I can do animations in GSL already, so if the X importer in B3D works as advertised then exporting to OM's XSI exporter should be fairly easy to test out in getting animations into the game engine without too many problems. I should also be able to test out the texture thingy too as most of my X models have them already applied to the models. I would imagine that the files can also be saved in Blenders native format as well after they're imported.

PS: LW 8.5 includes a separate utility called, Layout; LW's equivalent of a Key Frame Editor. From what I've read it looks fairly simple to use. The help files include a basic tutorial on how to use the application to animate simple objects. Good luck with the tutorial and please post it if you figure things out with Blender...BNG.   
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


I only use Blender for making any models I make be it for Battlezone2 or Project Visitor (the other game I work on). Currently yes I have to export them and then import them into 3d studio max to use their exporters but I still make the initial model and texture for it in Blender. I haven't done much in the way of animations for BZ2 but it would be nice to have an exporter that exports straight out from Blender.

I can get hovertank type vehicles to work easily using the exporter, but still the texture doesn't show up. Once I can get the textures to show up then I want to make sure the animated textures for the treads will work.



OM, on your forums, the last post in the thread about the B3D exporter you say........

QuoteA texture does appear for me, but BZ2 seems to be using the center pixel, instead of properly extrapolating.  I noticed that but can't seem to figure out what causes it, even tried textures from the ivscout00 as well, ditto.

What do you mean by this? That you can see the texture on the model in the editor and it's just not lining up correctly or?

EDIT** Just tried the exporter again and I still can't get any textures to show up in the editor. I tried doing a couple of different things in Blender but still the same result.



Apparently, to add harpoints is done similarily on all 3D modeling programs. Could someone explain how this is done?

General BlackDragon

i just copy an hp from an existing model in notepad and paste it and move it to proper place in notepad.

*****General BlackDragon*****


I've sorted hardpoints :-D by trial and error, now just to sort the textures.... It would be great if you could sort that texture 'tutorial' OM.


Well.... I thought I've sorted hardpoints... my first trial was a simple hover unit, one piece and a small triangle in it for the hardpoint, worked fine. Now I've made a unit similar to a Sabre, with a Gun mounted in the middle rear. Except when I load the game the gun... falls off... and lands on the ground, which is where the At-stab comes from when I fire (ie the ground where the unit was placed)... hmmm maybe it's because the gun is hollow? Does it have to be solid? I'll try that out. Any ideas anyone?


Sounds like you didn't make the mainbody a parent of the turret which would be a parent of the hp.

Click on the image...


Ive stopped the gun falling off by making part of the chassis but the hp still "falls out"... re the parent thing, this means?...