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VERY Slow and Jerky BZII

Started by Nick53, July 17, 2008, 09:42:00 PM

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Since you said you have an Nvidia card with the latest driver, the first thing to do is try setting sky detail to none.  See if that helps performance at all.  If my setting is anything other than None, my performance suffers and the game eventually dropps to under 10 fps while all textures turn transparent.


Quote from: GSH on July 19, 2008, 03:54:50 PM
Faster videocards do have a slight benefit, though mainly at larger screen resolutions. Most fancy new videocards have a ton of features BZ2 doesn't use, because BZ2 speaks Direct3D 6. Any feature added after D3D 6 is ignored by BZ2. What BZ2 can and does take advantage of is faster fill rates. Basically, modern videocards have got more and faster local memory. Fast(er) access to memory is useful when texturing polygons, clearing the screen, etc.
Except when the drivers drop DX6 support of course. >.<

At least OpenGL has far less issues with versioning...

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Ego - Nikolas

7 series is old.
I remember me using 7600gt that was fast graphics, and i still feel wory coz i had to sell it,my agp mainboard die and i had to get 9800gtx no problems with any games now :)

Use that driver, kinda old dut nice and fast without problems.

And ofc you need to check latest updated host and client tips topic for bz2 system..


And http://bz2maps.com/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=15