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Started by Nielk1, July 27, 2008, 04:55:39 AM

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While talking with OM while struggling to my last achievement in The Wonderful End of the World on Steam, I got a strange idea. What if BZ2 had achievements? In talking with OM, the idea expanded. It would have the achievements stored into a database though my website by existing user names. A series of security checks would be in place.

Only things I have a hand in would have achievements. On that note Steeveeo's Recycler Variant's Post Release Addons would likely get some of these, as well as my planned game modes.

I am posting this because I would like to know if there is any interest in using it outside of mine to actually put it together.
So, good idea?

Note: Achievements will likely be awarded with a date so they can be given more than once. Server time would likely be used. They will likely only be visible on my website and not in game.

Click on the image...

shane ward

seems like a good Idear ;) go for it :)
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Im guessing by the reason why you just said the Post-Release addons instead of just SRV in general is because this would require some DLL work?

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


What do you mean "Achievements"? In game achievements like finishing the game on Easy, Medium, Hard for example or would it just be for things that you created (like mods)?

Either way it sounds like a good idea. Maybe you can add little badges for each achievement?


I have 5 candidates for achievements (If we ever wanted to keep track for stock/popular mods out of game):

- Tough As A Grizzly:  Awarded for lasting the whole match without loosing a ship (Deaths = 0).

- Combat Commander: Awarded for leading your team to victory. (Pereferibly only valid for "2 on 2" and up)

- Natty's Worse Nightmare: Awarded for winning a G66 game. (Any Difficulty besides easy :P)

- Recycling Bin: Awarded for killing 100 enemies. (Ashes to ashes, scrap to scrap)

- Cerberized: Awarded for winning an FE 1.3pb4 match as the Cerberi. (When it comes out, I'll be ready to start working towards this one :D)

So, yes, I'm all in for achievements.



Those should suffice as examples of the kinds of things that are achievements.
So far I've come up with 2 for SRV. Some are small little things, others are larger things.

Click on the image...


I've got a few ideas for DME:

Demolitionist: Call in a bomber 5 or more times in one match

Survivalist: Go without getting blown up for more than 5 minutes

Ultra Survivalist: Go without getting blown up for more than 10 minutes.

Commander: Call in one 5 or more unit drops.

Warmonger: Call in 15 unit drops in a single match.

Pyromaniac: Call in a Carpet Bomber 5 times in a single match.

Nuclear Enthusiast: Call in a Nuclear Stike a total of 25 times.

Nuke Spam: Call in 3 or more nukes in one game.

Dogfighter: Get 25 or more kills in one match and 5 or less deaths.

Veteran Dogfighter: Get an overall total of 250 kills.

And now for some Anti-Achievements ;)

Cannon Fodder: Get more deaths than kills in a match.

Too Close for Comfort: Get blown up by the death explosion of another vehicle.

Yellow-Belly: Get no kills or deaths in a match longer than 5 minutes.

Projectile Dysfuntion: Commit suicide more than 3 times in a match.

Nuclear Suicide: Get caught up in your own nuke.

A side note: N1, if you ever do get this setup right, be sure to include a counter for each one, so you can score it multiple times.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


How about one for "recieve all achievements"? :)

Some of those sound kind of easy though... go without getting blown up for more than 5 minutes?


Get all achievements in a section will work...

Just toying with images to start: http://www.bzcomplex.com/set1.jpg

Click on the image...


Quote from: Feared_1 on July 27, 2008, 02:03:48 PM
Some of those sound kind of easy though... go without getting blown up for more than 5 minutes?
Its Deathmatch, with Enhancements (Deathmatch Enhanced, DME, get it? :P)

Anyway, you can call in bombers, units, and nukes and such, so lasting that long is a trick.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.