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Tumbling vehicles and service trucks

Started by Dianoga4, August 13, 2008, 10:52:40 PM

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I've searched the forums but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. First of all, is it possible to have a hovering service truck? I tried changing mine from a tracked vehicle to a hovering vehicle but the game crashes when I try to put one in the editor. Now part of the reason I was trying to make a hovering service truck is that I've had problems with a service truck that I have. It is pretty small and it really needs to be but that seems to be the problem. It appears to be really light and when it moves around it ends up tumbling all over the place and it eventually gets to where it's suppose to go but it can take a while with all the tumbling. Now if I use geometryscale and make it bigger, there isn't much of a proble except that fact that I don't want it to be a huge thing. I've tried using the Mass = ### setting but that doesn't seem to do anything. I'd still be interested in getting a hovering service truck working but I'd be really happy to get the tracked one I have working.

Here's the ODF. If the settings look really outta whack they probably are. I've been trying all sorts of things to try to get this thing to work right and so far it just seems to keep doing the same thing.

Thanks -Dia

baseName = "ivserv"
geometryName = "ivert.xsi"
geometryScale = 0.01
cockpitName = "ivserv_cockpit.xsi"
classLabel = "service"
scrapValue = 40
scrapCost = 50
buildTime = 10.0
maxHealth = 2500
maxAmmo = 1200
unitName = "ERT"
aiName = "ServiceProcess"
aiName2 = "ServiceProcess"
heatSignature = 0.1
imageSignature = 1.0
radarSignature = 0.0
isAssault = 0

armorClass = L
UnitIcon = "icon_ivert.png"
UnitStatus = "wire_ivert.png"

requireCount = 1
requireName1 = "ibsbay"
requireText1 = "Build Service Bay"

scrapClass1 = "tucrystals01"
scrapClass2 = "tucrystals02"
scrapClass3 = "tucrystals03"

lightHard1 = "hp_light_1"
lightName1 = "spotwhite"

rangeScan = 300.0f
periodScan = 5.0f
velocJam = 5.0f

braccelFactor = 0.05
velFactor = 0.1
omegaScale = 0.05
alphaScale = 0.05
steerFactor = 0.5
omegaFactor = 0.008
strafeFactor = 0.001

TeamTransferrable = true

selectAttackMsg = "ivserv04.wav"
selectGoMsg = "ivserv02.wav"
selectFollowMsg = "ivserv03.wav"
selectOtherMsg = "ivserv04.wav"

goMsg = "ivserv02.wav"
goObjectMsg = "ivserv11.wav"
attackMsg = "ivserv01.wav"
followMeMsg = "ivserv08.wav"
followMsg = "ivserv03.wav"
repairMsg = "ivserv09.wav"
reloadMsg = "ivserv09.wav"
rescueMsg = "ivserv11.wav"
recycleMsg = "ivserv11.wav"
holdMsg = "ivserv12.wav"
user1Msg = "ivserv01.wav"
killedMsg = ""
diedMsg = ""

omegaSpin = 4.0
omegaTurn = 4.0
velocForward = 25.0
velocReverse = 5.0
accelThrust = 5.0
suspension_min = -0.0
suspension_max = 0.0
spring_factor = 0.01 // minimum value: 0.01
damping_factor = 2.0   // 2.0 = critical damped, minimum value: 0.01
tread_static_friction = 10.5
accelBrake = 20.0 // braking
accelDragStop = 15.0 // how fast it stops once hands are off controls

engineSound   = "iserv01.wav"
treadSound = "iserv02.wav"

yawRate = 0.1
pitchMin = 0.0
pitchMax = 0.0

supplyRange = 20.0
supplyRadius = 15.0
supplyRate = 40.0
supplySound = "mnu_empt.wav"
supplyEffect = "ivserv.supply"
supplyHard = "hp_special_1"

renderBase = "draw_multi"
renderCount = 2
renderName1 = "ivserv.halo"
renderName2 = "ivserv.bolt"

renderBase = "draw_twirl"
textureName = "particle.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "127 255 0 127"
finishColor = "0 255 0 0"
startRadius = 5.0
finishRadius = 1.0
animateTime = 0.3

renderBase = "draw_bolt"
textureName = "trail2.tga"
textureBlend = "one one modulate"
startColor = "127 255 0 63"
finishColor = "0 255 0 0"
startRadius = 1.0
finishRadius = 0.3
segmentLength = 2.0
segmentVariance = "0.5 0.5 0.5"
animateTime = 0.3
textureRate = 0.05
textureSpeed = -0.5


The ServiceTruck class needs the tracks to work, I think there was a ServiceTruckH class or something, dunno how functional it is or at what part the H goes.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


yeh hover ST's are available. look in the changelogs and search for "serviceHtruck" with CTRL+F

they are pretty good. i find them more useful than tracked trucks because the tracked vehicles like to get stuck in gun towers and other buildings and the like. plus they seem to lack control on the brakes...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Too small/large tracked vehicles need serious tweaking to make them stable.

Service Truck beams were designed to pull the ST and target together, to help them aim and orient towards the target.  For a lot of the patches they were deaf, dumb and blind and wouldn't even turn around to face their target.

I've had very good luck myself with hovering service trucks, mostly due to the ability to turn in place.  AI treaded units lack this...



This is awesome, just tried it and they work sooo much better that I think I will stick with the hovering version. I definitely see the pull you are talking about Avatar, I shot at the matriarch in vehicle form just to get them to heal it and they pulled it around like a big beach ball heh. Thanks again guys!

Here's a pic of the original one on the left with the tracks and the much improved hovering version on the right.



The Daleks have got ServiceTruckH class "mechanics" they work much better than the tracked type, I gave them plenty of thrust so if something annoying like a building or hill gets in the way, they just go over it instead of getting stuck, hover scavs are also much quicker at scavenging than the tracked type.

BNG Da BZ Fool

Don't forget Lizard's Mechana race also uses a hover ST and his constructor as well...BNG.
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


They arent really "Hover Constructors" just that they have "fake" feet....


No war, we have hover constructors now. But it is not a new classlable, it is instead a few ODF lines since te new classlabel was glitchy.

Click on the image...


WHA..... well, better go fix up my stuff now... :-D