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any high quality explosions for a liquid filled generator? (PB4a)

Started by TheJamsh, August 09, 2008, 11:49:41 AM

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dude id love that =]

any chance of getting that one to 'come from' the standard power generator?

my idea was to have a spinning fan on top of the chemical generator that throws light steam into the air, OR have occasional bursts of electricity in the liquid...

as for the nuke gen, i was going to have a pole raising out the ground which will occasinally catch electrical bolts from the generator,...

BTW i have warfreak already interested in modelling for my mod... you wouldnt be interested too would you?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


It is very unlikely that any of those emits will be seen though the glass.

Quoteuse lods for you rec where only the lods don't have insides.
The dvrecy model was pretty much as low as I could make it anyway, but it animates when deploying, parts that were hidden inside, are now clearly visible from a distance, looks bad and glitchy, it did not do that before.


Don't know why I said BBB, likely cause I am currently urging BBB to make some friken LODs.

I'd love to model for your mod.

"any chance of getting that one to 'come from' the standard power generator?"
How do you mean?

Click on the image...


yay =]
and i think i was talking rubbish last night thats all...

at the moment im writing up a word document with all the rough ideas in for the models im after plus a load of sketches... once its doneski ill send you a copy or something. its still in early stages (AAN Assets wont be finished until mid october at least), but i've got a pretty good idea of what im going to do.

ive never really had anyone do stuff for me before on here but do you send me the XSI or MSH version of the models you make? can you do texturisms and stuff? ive got a load of textures done... hell ill explain it better over an instant messenger of some description: freestyleflowrider89@hotmail.com


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.