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Started by mrtwosheds, August 15, 2008, 03:05:15 PM

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Has anyone used

         animPickup = "" // animation name to play on picking up a piece of scrap
         animPickupCycle = 0 // 0 = loop, 1 = 2way

For some reason my scavenger does not play its anim when picking up scrap, is there a specific way to set it up?
A specific animation name to use?

General BlackDragon

I think u put the name of the XSI file there, i.e. "ivscavdpl00.xsi"

*****General BlackDragon*****


BZC Scavs use it:

animName4 = "pickup"
animFile4 = "svscav_pickup.xsi"

animPickup = "pickup" // animation name to play on picking up a piece of scrap
animPickupCycle = 1  // 0 = loop, 1 = 2way

So set up the animation in GameObjectClass as per any normal animation, then give the animation name under ScavengerHClass.




Last I used it loop was broken and caused it to infinate loop.

Click on the image...


QuoteLast I used it loop was broken and caused it to infinate loop.
I think that is correct for a LOOP animation....does what it says.


Er... no...  'loop' basically should have played the animation through and then stopped when it hit the end, ready to start again with the next pickup.

'2 way' is what some call 'ping pong', where it runs through to the end and then reverses, ending up where it started.

Either way it should play the animation once and stop until the next piece of scrap is picked up.



The options should have been 1way and 2way, Loop correctly describes what it does.


1 way, 2way AND loop =]

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Well, even if it doing that makes sense to you, it is impossible for that to work in any game situation, so, it is nonsensical. Loop is 1 way.

Click on the image...


Semantics...  not to be confused with the source of most virii nowadays....   :evil:

Yes, "1 way" and "2 way" or some such thing would have been more accurate, but the point is to tie it in with picking up the scrap.  Ken did some limiting/adjusting of the animation timing that made it correctly match the scrap pickup, after which it actually looked like the CCA Scavs were reaching down and grabbing scrap...  (you know, PLAY ANIM/REMOVE SCRAP/REVERSE ANIM)   so this may be what broke the loop...  or it may have never worked... 

I'm old and don't remember so well...
