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help me please!

Started by TheJamsh, August 21, 2008, 08:32:21 AM

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how can i get the 'spraymine' to fire its ordnance straight up (on world axis) everytime without fail.

the ordnance is a radarpopper class.

this is the current spraymine ODF

geometryName = NULL
classLabel = "spraymine"
scrapCost = 0
scrapValue = 0
maxHealth = 0
maxAmmo = 1
unitName = ""
explosionName = ""

payloadName = "tagca_a3" // radarpopper class
triggerDelay = 0.1
setAltitude = 2.0
omegaSpin = 0
shotDelay = 0.1
anglePitch = 1.0 // this doesnt seem to help me! but im not sure

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Use a flaremine class instead, it can launch its ordnance straight up without much hassle.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


but will it launch a radar popper class that will still inherit a target? i used spraymine class because it seemed to allow radar poppers to inherit the pilots target.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


apparently not, so far only the spray mine class inherits the target from a radarpopper launcher, so i need someone to sort that mine out... and make it shoot its ordnance upwards...

i also need the ordnace to go a fair distance before it turns into the rocket

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Increase the speed of the popper to make it go higher/farther.  It turns into a rocket right after it reaches the apex in its arc.

General BlackDragon

use popper instead? random and closest enemy but meh?

Or make it fire a flurry of smaller missiles out sideways that turn towards target :)

*****General BlackDragon*****


ive managed to fix it. anomaly pretty much explains what i did.

the spray mine speed can now be controlled which i didnt know before, so i added a nice missile effect, the only trouble im now having is the "take-off explosion". can effect renders link to explosions of not? better still, does launchXPL work under spraybomb class?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


A spraybomb "launch" effect can be simulated by putting an emitter effect on to the object launched, makes its emitDelay = more than the objects lifespan, so that it only occurs once when it is launched.


ive got a nice smokey launch effect, but i need a sort of explosive bang effect seeing as the missile goes about 500 metres high in a few seconds. ive managed to recreate the funtion of the javelin on COD4. took about 4 solid days work but i hacked it in eventually lol

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Put an explosion on the spraybuilding


i already have, but that explosion is when its 300 metres in the air. i could of course get the spray building to make another spray building, but bleeh. maybe when i come back to doing my rocket weapons again

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.