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Gladius (and others) - Would like some opinions

Started by Nielk1, August 20, 2008, 05:10:00 PM

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BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Why do you hate Halo??

I bought an xbox specifically so I could play halo 2, then an xbox 360 so I could play halo 3!!!
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com



Halo, as a game, sucks, it is only popular because the XBox's platform for 3D fps games sucks (and I can detail reasons why, but I am trying to keep this post from becoming my usual essay), but it is made for such a platform, compared to other 3dfps Halo is sorely lacking.  However, one area where Halo is wonderful in was its Story, without that the game would truly suck in all areas (and again i can detail why).  It is only popular because for consoles there is not really anything better, that is why it did not survive in the PC world, there are too many things that are far too better.

Now, let's see what kind of flamewar this starts (and hopefuly by putting in this phrase one will not start :) ).

I do not really hate the game per say, as stated, wonderful story, just would be better as a book/tv_series/etc... and not a game.

Not to mention I hate gamepads with an undieing passion, I have yet to find a gamepad that I can use for more then 5 minutes without getting hand cramps, sit me at a keyboard and mouse though, and I am good for 70+ hours.

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Dark Scion Soldier

i thought it was popular for it's multiplayer? And story. i honestly like the PC version better,seeing the fact that it can modded..
Aquatic: *on hold* 52% done overall.


Consoles (emphasis on CON) seem as if their sole intention is to extract as much money from the customer as possible, little effort is made to produce quality games for them after they have cornered a market, a new console is produced instead. I learned this with the sega megadrive I have 2 games for it that are worth playing for more than a couple of weeks, Both of them are conversions of pc games.


Making up your own ships is cool, wish I could do it. That ramming ship should be some sort of force field wrecker and should sound like a hammer and anvil when ramming.
I rarely play my xbox, but have halo1 and 2. I've wanted to play it on the console, but with a mouse and keyboard. Don't think it's possible, so I never play it. I beat halo1, but soon after getting halo2 I was finally able to get a good connection to the internet, and so Ii found patch 1.2 for bz2, then someone told me about G66 and the rest is history. The only thing the Xbox is good for now is the occasional visitor that comes and wants to shoot some games.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


i agree with OM. the story is pretty good, but would last better in book form or even a film...

but the game is severely behind other games. i myself prefer unreal tournament (the original) over halo. halo also seems to be TOO realistic, like carrying two weapons or items. and theres only about 12 different ones in game... the vehicles were well designed, but you rarely use them. i mean WHY! its so boring!

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I will see if I can make the Jackhammer both offensive and a mining unit for extracting biometal from rocks.

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There is a good Halo book called "The Fall of Reach", or something close to that. It tells the story of where Master Chief came from and how he came to be. When I was driving long haul I rented the unabridged audio book form of it and it was like 11 CDs I believe heh but it was a good story.


Zero Angel

Quote from: mrtwosheds on August 24, 2008, 09:16:53 AM
Consoles (emphasis on CON) seem as if their sole intention is to extract as much money from the customer as possible, little effort is made to produce quality games for them after they have cornered a market, a new console is produced instead. I learned this with the sega megadrive I have 2 games for it that are worth playing for more than a couple of weeks, Both of them are conversions of pc games.

Thats the purpose of all consumer electronics, really.

The console developers want to make money by creating and selling new consoles, because if everyone already has a PS2 for example, and and Sony was to say 'ok, we've made enough money, lets just stop here', it wouldnt be a very viable business model, and all the people who work at Sony would have to find new jobs. While some other company just steps in and takes over.

The game developers, of course will be quick to jump on the bandwagon of developing for a new console because thats what most consumers want. In this case, its the latest and greatest. The rationale here being the tendency of people to like better eyecandy.

Take BZ2 for example, it could perhaps be recreated to some extent on the Atari or Sega Master System, but I personally wouldnt mind putting down a little bit of extra money for some serious eyecandy.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

Zero Angel

And just to be contrary, I enjoyed Halo. The multiplayer version of the campaign much more than the single player experience. If anything, it at least innovated in that department (being one of the first FPS games to feature a co-operative campaign).
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Quotebeing one of the first FPS games to feature a co-operative campaign
Not the first, Doom holds that claim, and it was good. there are too few games that offer cooperative campaign, shame because its such fun.


Doom(2) co-op campaign I grew up on.  Local network, three PC's I had, another friend usually brought over another, got 4 commonly, beat the single-player campaign so many times, then found out people had been making maps, ended up getting a few thousand of those.  I still play Doom(2) sometimes with some of those open-source engines that run well on modern systems (and have actually mouse support now).  And screw Halo's version, since the console does not have enough memory to have people far apart it keeps snapping them together, that was so disorienting.  In Doom we would always split up to achieve various objectives faster, cannot do that in the Halo series (no, Halo was not innovative in any way, it had a good story, but every game element had been done, and many of them had been done to death...).

Also I still do Serious Sam's campaign co-op with friends on occasion (Not Serious Sam 2, it sucked, royally, built for consoles so they screwed over the best parts of the first since consoles did not have the memory, you could have maps that spanned for a hundred miles, and some user made maps did and they were made well).  Serious Sam is also came out before Halo (not by much though).  They eventually ported the first to the consoles, but they had to split the maps up and remove parts due to memory constraints on the crap consoles, completely killed the epic feeling, not to mention none of those very well made and monstrously large user maps...

And there were still far more games with Co-op single player then that.  Hexen, Heretic, etc... for old ones that I had, played those co-op as well (just ended up going back to Doom(2) :) ), and so forth, some newer ones being Half-Life and SS and so forth.

Also, making money is not the sole purpose of making games.  Game making is an Art form, it is just places like Microsoft and EA and other such places have tried to remove all the art possible and go in for purely money, so you end up getting all these look-alikes and other crap implementations as they just try to get them to run on everything in existance.  About the only big-name games I buy anymore are near solely from Valve.  The majority of the games I have bought are from little game-making groups, they make the truly fun games, may not have the A+ graphics (whatever the frick that means, as long as it is immersive I do not care), but they are very well made and very fun; truly an Art form.

The PC platform is still the highest selling game market out.  Most of those sites you see that try to figure out sells of various things ignore PC online sells, there are a few that try to include those as best they can and they admit they still do not get anywhere near the full amount that PC online games do sell, but even with what they can find out the PC vastly outdoes consoles (the PC game market has massively shifted to online sells, by many factor's above in-store sells, blame Steam, Gamefly, EA Online Game Store (very horrible, you can only buy and download, but you cannot download again, Steam and Gamefly does it so much better, I prefer Steam), and so forth, not to mention most of those little groups either sell on Steam, who does not release sell numbers, or they just sell directly online themselves, not releasing sell numbers either).

EDIT:  Ah yes, I loved playing Descent multiplayer as well, that was also great fun, some of the user maps were funky. :P
As usual though, co-op is what reigned supreme in that, the final boss in Descent2 with 4 people could still slaughter us on the hardest difficulty.  :)

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