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Terminator: War of the Machines

Started by shane ward, August 25, 2008, 05:42:00 AM

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shane ward


Should we mess up the Battlezone Universe and the story line and bring in skynet and Machines to really mess everything up ;)

Sorry I could not resist sturing up trouble ;) heheheheh

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


I can't really see how you could do the original justice in the graphics and modelling, Terminator with a painted box for a head... :-D
How about THE WOMBLES!


I remember some topics a while back that talked of making units with the shiny bio-metal(like the Terminator), but if I remember right, it couldn't be done easily. It would just turn out grey, or something like it.
There is no knowledge that is not power.

shane ward

Strange I converted  hunter killer (Flying Ship units) unit into battlezone and it was shiny metal like the pools, a little too shiny needs texture in parts but I never realy did much work on it.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Quote from: Axeminister on August 25, 2008, 07:28:52 AM
I remember some topics a while back that talked of making units with the shiny bio-metal(like the Terminator), but if I remember right, it couldn't be done easily. It would just turn out grey, or something like it.

The silvery stuff is done in Softimage XSI...that's what OM told me when I was looking around for the information. :D
Jonathan S.



I have a psd I keep with my models called REFLECTION3.psd so when I export an XSI I just go in notepad and find the "long/dir/name/REFLECTION3.psd" and change it to "REFLECTION3.PIC" and BAM, shiny thingy.

Click on the image...


Yup...  easy to do:

Uses the environment pic for each world if'n I remember right.


BNG Da BZ Fool

Shane, you could try making them as a playable race though. With a little thought I'm sure enough units could be made along with support buildings and other props. If you you decide to give it whirl and need some stuff made then give me a PM ringy-a-dingy, and I'll help get things rolling.

It might just work if all of the units were created based on the Scion morph units. Can someone tell us if making morph units is really hard, or is it mostly an Softimage feature as I heard that even 3D MAX has trouble pulling this off cause vertex animations are involved? BNG.

PS: Maybe a few theme based mini mods would help to get a few peeps involved to work together? 
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.

shane ward

I found a way of exporting and converting all the objects in Terminator 3 war of the macines game, that failed badly. I am hoping when I have the time and willingness to make a battle war map like in the movies, something cool.

also, this type of project will involve everyone, I was planning on making a map, with the basic story and war with all the units in the game, people then can download it and see what new thing needs adding and any other new units they want to add....

But it's just a Idear at the moment.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -



QuoteI found a way of exporting and converting all the objects in Terminator 3 war of the macines game
I am not familiar with it, but I would be willing to bet that it would only work if you just had one model on any map at any one  time... And it would probably still exceed the polygon count of a full ISDF base.
Maybe it has some very low poly models for distance stuff.
What format are they in?

shane ward

The ships in the game are the huge battle units, like the flying ship with the huge lazers and engins, the battle unit on the ground that is as tall as a building, and in the movie, that chain gun unit that ripped through the building and other units too. also there are some smaller units and vehicles, but they are not too usefull.

Granted base units will probably need to be made from scratch as the original game did not have base building. It was mainly just a shoot em all area type of thing which was crap.

The format in unknown. Sca files and Lod files, that needed to be hacked and models extracted from. I made a small program to do the job. But it does not extract the scene files which might have other usefull things. all very complicated and a little over my head.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


I suggest reference images for brand new models since the game is likely too different in polygonal limits to use in BZ2.

Click on the image...


hmm Yes, the owners, may not be happy about their stuff being borrowed either.

I havn't seen the film either.

shane ward

Quote from: mrtwosheds on August 27, 2008, 04:17:12 PM
hmm Yes, the owners, may not be happy about their stuff being borrowed either.

I havn't seen the film either.

I think the owners went out of bissness as the blotched the only chance they had. lol

Also bz2 is soo small I do not think the big wigs will notice :P they did not notice the things I borrowed from freespace 2.

Anyhow, its all an Idear at the moment. Just posted if something like this will be welcomed in battlezone and will people have fun playing it or help making it. and I just liked to stur things up too.

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -