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How do I open editor?

Started by CivBase, September 08, 2008, 03:33:02 PM

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I'm interested in how this map making works.  I've searched through the directory and have found no map making program, but I have found many files that hint to one... so how do I open it?  Do I need to download it?  Or am I just looking in the wrong place?


Which version of BZ2 are you using? 1.2,1.3?


General BlackDragon

In 1.2:

Make another shortcut to battlezone II on ur desktop, rename it something like Battlezone II Editor, or you could call it Puppy Doodles, doesnt matter. (just so long u can tell the differance between game and editor).

Right click on it, go to properties. In the "Target" line, after the end ", add a space and then /edit MYMAPSNAME.bzn

Try copying an existing map to work with from addon/missions/ and rename the files to match MYMAPSNAME.bzn so you can start editing it. There's a "clean1.bzn" somewhere on bzscrap, wich is a nice flat map for starting to edit.

Then once your in the game, flying around, hit Ctr + E to open the editor.

If you're using 1.3, just launch the bz2Edit.exe and go to a map and open the editor once ingame with Ctr + E.

*****General BlackDragon*****


Easier way to get familiar with the tools for 1.2:

Load up a map in Instant Action, like normal.
Open the console (CTRL + ~).
Type "game.cheat bzeditor" (no quotes).
Exit the console (again, CTRL + ~).
Press CTRL + E
Press I accept when the option appears.
Mess around a little bit.

If you want to jump right in and start making your own map in 1.2, that's a little more complicated (get 1.3). What kind of map were you thinking of? Strategy, Deathmatch, ect.?

I would strongly suggest getting 1.3PB4a before trying to mod. Your life will be much easier.


Quote from: General BlackDragon on September 08, 2008, 04:01:11 PM
In 1.2:

Make another shortcut to battlezone II on ur desktop, rename it something like Battlezone II Editor, or you could call it Puppy Doodles, doesnt matter. (just so long u can tell the differance between game and editor).

Right click on it, go to properties. In the "Target" line, after the end ", add a space and then /edit MYMAPSNAME.bzn

Try copying an existing map to work with from addon/missions/ and rename the files to match MYMAPSNAME.bzn so you can start editing it. There's a "clean1.bzn" somewhere on bzscrap, wich is a nice flat map for starting to edit.

Then once your in the game, flying around, hit Ctr + E to open the editor.

If you're using 1.3, just launch the bz2Edit.exe and go to a map and open the editor once ingame with Ctr + E.
So it's like the forge editor off of Halo 3?

....I hate forge! Oh well :-P

General BlackDragon

Similar but alot ...erm, "better"

The editor is in overhead view, although in 1.3 u can pan the camera around.

Game is paused while your in the editor, unless you alt tab, then any renders will resume, but that's only weapon effects, explosion renders, etc.

play around with everything, you'll figure it out :)

Feel free to ask any more questions about map making, etc. Although I always found it mostly self explanitory. (height for molding ground, texture/color for painting ground, objects for placing items, path for specifying DLL at the end)

*****General BlackDragon*****


You can ALWAYS pan the camera around, its not a 1.3 feature.

Click on the image...

General BlackDragon

*****General BlackDragon*****


I have no clue what version I have... do you mean game version?  If so, I haz 1.3pBwhatever.
So then... how do I save a map?  Can I?

General BlackDragon

theres a "save" button in the editor

*****General BlackDragon*****


Quote from: Feared_1 on September 08, 2008, 10:08:10 PM
Easier way to get familiar with the tools for 1.2:

Load up a map in Instant Action, like normal.
Open the console (CTRL + ~).
Type "game.cheat bzeditor" (no quotes).
Exit the console (again, CTRL + ~).
Press CTRL + E
Press I accept when the option appears.
Mess around a little bit.

If you want to jump right in and start making your own map in 1.2, that's a little more complicated (get 1.3). What kind of map were you thinking of? Strategy, Deathmatch, ect.?

I would strongly suggest getting 1.3PB4a before trying to mod. Your life will be much easier.
I tried this and all I got was this.


If you're using 1.2, you probably need to reinstall BZ.

If you're using 1.3, you need to open using bz2edit.exe, not bzone.exe.  They were separated at the beginning of the 1.3 patch as a step to stop cheaters in multiplayer.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


I've seen better editors, but it is much better than forge for sure.