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Model Help

Started by divine_crusader, September 21, 2008, 11:16:51 AM

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Hey everyone. I'm new to these forum and to modding BZ2, at least with adding new models and recently this new ship I'm working on crashes the game. Now I searched through previous topics and can't seem to find a solution. I can open the mesh in BZME and edit it, but as I said, it crashes and produces this code...

---- Battlezone II Log File ----
App version: Patch 1.3pb4a EDITOR Aug  4 2008 12:11:38
Windows version: Windows Version: 5.1.2600 'Service Pack 3' PlatformID=2

Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
DIAG|GLOBAL          |            meshread:2125 |23:42:40|51168  |Building F304 .msh
ERR |Debug           |               debug:715  |23:42:40|51203  |.\meshread.cpp(1121)
ERR |Debug           |               debug:716  |23:42:40|51203  |Wed Jul  2 22:54:55 2008
ERR |Debug           |               debug:717  |23:42:40|51203  |vertfeat->objCount > normfeat->objCount: F304.xsi

Exception code: 40000015 {Fatal Application Exit}

Message :  Unhandled Exception
Error occurred at 9/20/2008 23:42:50.
C:\Program Files\Battlezone II\BZ2Edit.exe, run by TEST.
2 processor(s), type 586.
Process Memory :   1797 MB free out of   2048 MB total
Physical memory:   1274 MB free out of   1983 MB total
Page(swap) file:   3270 MB free out of   3876 MB total
Fault address:  00587E09 01:00186E09 C:\Program Files\Battlezone II\BZ2Edit.exe

SS:ESP:20A0023:020A916C  EBP:021B137C
DS:7E430023  ES:20A0023  FS:003B  GS:756F0000

Call stack:
Address   Return    Function            SourceFile
00587E09  00000000  00588410  MatFeature::MatFeature+0x00001F67
00588410  00000000  00588473  FamilyNode::operator=+0x000004C5
00588473  00000000  00589B04  FamilyNode::operator=+0x00000528
00589B04  00000000  005895A3  Mesh::Manager::FindRead+0x0000053C
005895A3  00000000  004FCCDD  Mesh::Manager::FindRead+0x0000005B
004FCCDD  00000000  004FC3E0  EntityClass::LoadMeshRoot+0x0000007F
004FC3E0  00000000  0049F6FD  EntityClass::EntityClass+0x000001AE
0049F6FD  00000000  00490D68  GameObjectClass::GameObjectClass+0x00000033
00490D68  00000000  004A4DDF  CraftClass::CraftClass+0x00000031
004A4DDF  00000000  004CD47C  HoverCraftClass::HoverCraftClass+0x0000001A
004CD47C  00000000  004FCA0F  WingmanClass::BuildClass+0x0000001F
004FCA0F  00000000  00466CCF  EntityClass::Find+0x0000019D
00466CCF  00000000  0059D1AD  EditObject::Command::Process+0x000000A2
0059D1AD  00000000  0059D4DC  VarSys::VarItem::TriggerCallBack+0x00000018
0059D4DC  00000000  0059CF08  VarSys::VarItem::SetStr+0x0000005E
0059CF08  00000000  00566B3E  VarString::operator=+0x00000013
00566B3E  00000000  00568F3D  IFaceVar::SetValue+0x000000A6
00568F3D  00000000  005590B6  ICEdit::HandleEvent+0x000002A5
005590B6  00000000  00558378  IFace::ProcessCaret+0x00000167
00558378  00000000  00474584  IFace::Process+0x000001F0
00474584  00000000  0059BF95  MissionHandler::State::EditState::Process+0x00000032
0059BF95  00000000  00471C04  RunCodes::Process+0x0000019F
00471C04  00000000  0059BF95  MissionHandler::Process+0x00000011
0059BF95  00000000  0059B9B6  RunCodes::Process+0x0000019F
0059B9B6  00000000  0045BA0F  Main::MessagePump+0x0000004A
0045BA0F  00000000  0045B6F7  HandledMain+0x00000446
0045B6F7  00000000  00458E6F  HandledMain+0x0000012E
00458E6F  00000000  005AC7F7  WinMain+0x00000059
005AC7F7  00000000  7C817067  memset+0x00000191
7C817067  00000000  00000000  RegisterWaitForInputIdle+0x00000049

Here is a pic of what it looks like. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk221/divine_crusader/F-404.png?t=1222016919

So I hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.



I am not sure why you have the problem. I had it a lot until I got the XSI exporter.
BZ2ME errors don't mean anything really, but BZ2 errors... ey

Click on the image...


It basically died trying to build the mesh...

Check the number of polygons, with those rounded engines and such it's probably too high for BZ2...  If you got it from a 3D site they're not usually optimized for older games.  If you made it yourself try cutting down on the number of polygons by excluding pieces until it doesn't crash the game.



Ya, its based off of Stargate. Here's another one I worked on...


The Al'kesh is basically a port from another mod that had free to use models. Only problem was they're high poly, and most can't be used. The Al'kesh I had to strip of any detail I could just for it to work.

Here is the xsi...

Of course you would have to had your own textures, but if anyone can it to work, it would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if poly count would be a problem, but I'll replace the engines and see how it does.


Bad texture, warfreak had the same problem earlier. I think you can solve it by resaving the source texture as a tga or pic (whatever it just wasnt).

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


This part "vertfeat->objCount > normfeat->objCount: F304.xsi" means that the normal section is reduced.  It needs to be expanded to have a 1-to-1 mapping, it makes the file larger, but BZ2 requires it.  It is find to not have a 1-to-1 mapping in the main mesh section, but the normal requires it.  That means there must be a normal line per point, so if there are 4 triangles in a mesh, each with 3 points, then it requires 12 normal lines, even if many of the same value.

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script via GreaseMonkey

shane ward

A few things that might be causing problems is.
The object is too big for the game, you will need "geometryscale" in the odf to make is smaller.
Also the HP might be missing. Inportant hp's are: -

and weapons and guns you might have.

if you can post that file it can be a help.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Thanks for the responses. I have posted the file, third post from the top one. I'll play around with the normal section and see if I can get it right.


its always better o make the model correct sizes rather than use gemoetry scale.

import a standard BZII xsi to youre program if you can... and make adjustments to the size in the program.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I made it the correct size or so I believe. Converted a tank to .obj and imported it to Blender (no working xsi import/exports that I know of), and from there I scaled my ship accordingly.

shane ward


I messed with the model, It's not pretty but it loads into battlezone 1.3 pb3 OK.
I do not have the textures so I do not know what it looks like but the textures do look ok.

I had to convert the model using other software I had, there was something wrong with the object makeup that kept on crashing the game... I mashed everything together into one big model. There are no hp's, they will need to be added later, I do not have the time. The model includes hp_eyepoint and hp_com_1 to allow the ship to work in the game, Lights and cannons or rockets need to be added.

The wings and the engines are a little high in detail, but when I put it into the game, it seems to work fine.

Here is my working copy, I also used the ODF Editor to make a odf in seconds.
Hope it is OK for you. Like I said you can edit it.

File Link: - File Removed.

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Awesome, this is great. Thanks for the help. Had the same thing happen with a previous model I was working on a week ago, I'll try and see if joining all the objects into one fixes the problem. Again, thanks for the help.