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Slooooooowww music

Started by lucky_foot, October 13, 2008, 07:36:32 AM

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I've been trying to update my mod, Cerberi Revenge to the new 1.3pb4a and I get a strange...bug...if it's even that (as this is a mod).

All the music in the menus play really slow like it's being slowed down by a time dilation or something. :D

Anyone know why it would be doing that? I'm using config files directly from the path13.pak file (and the ones in the addon folder if newer). No, I don't have any duplicate assets.
Jonathan S.


Wrong sample rate?

OGG or WAV (it might be relevant to someone who knows)?

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Cause nothing is altered in the .ogg files or wav files (come to think of it. It's wave files as I haven't replaced the sounds yet. This is stock files being launched in a mod .pak file to make sure everything is there.
Jonathan S.

General BlackDragon

does your mod contain an altered gameprefs/localprefs.ini?

if so, check that the hrz rate is correct (44000?)

*****General BlackDragon*****

Red Devil

That happened to me with the Uler (but with the ordnance), and I finally realized that it was due to shotSounds being Ogg's, so I switched them to Wav's and it fixed it.

Might want to recreate the Ogg's or switch them to Wav's.
What box???


Will look in to that. I didn't think about the gamepref files and so forth.
Jonathan S.


question... do you have Uler installed?

i noticed that the shell audio fiels are just slowed-down versions of the originals. i dont think its an error...

try launching Cerberi Revenge from Mod Manager... usually helps. unless Cerb Revemge uses the same edited shell music.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.



Thanks for the suggestion, but I already covered that and ruled Uler out...the Uler mod is installed in a pure copy of 1.3pb4a (as I have a working directory and a pure director to test against a pure BZ install).

The problem seems to be solved now as I simply copied the gameprefs.ini file and the rest of the files in the config folder of 1.3pb4a addon folder into the CRaddon folder and Bingo! It's working. One major bug out of the way for the 1.0.2 release of CR.
Jonathan S.


A custom gameprefs for a mod is rather powerful. I have to check, but I think you can even set the BZ2 version used in the lobby to make all non-mod games red. (I think this because of once when I launched without the addon folder.

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