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How Do you Take Down ISDF Bomber Playing Scion?

Started by tarquin1048, October 01, 2008, 06:06:32 PM

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Bombers self destruct the instant the bomber bay no longer exists on the same team/ally group. DLL work could make some sort of hijacking system and the automatic placement of a dummy bomber bay would prevent it from dying. I would think one would want it to be replaced with a new unit since it would likely crash into the enemy base to do its damage.

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Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Quote from: hybirdisdf on October 08, 2008, 08:09:46 PM
I was wonder can a.i. scion pilot can hijacked our bomber and throw bomb at isdf base or isdf ai pilot only? And where do they keep their bomber after succesful bomb either on service for reload ammo or stay above tech building?Or self destruction after bomb?

No, Bombers can't be sniped. Period. Go try it when its sitting in the bay (get up high on a hill and try to snipe the little green/red/blue/white light).

Bombers can't be hijacked (which is basically the same as sniped) either. If the team the Bomber is on doesn't have a Bomber Bay on it, the bomber will simply explode. Bombers NEED the Bomber Bay in order to work, which answers your last few questions too. Where would the Scions put a Bomber? No where! They can't put it anywhere, so it is simply impossible.

EDIT: Whoops, Nielk1 and Steeveeo already answered, but oh well. :P


I have played thousands of mpi games and I've never been bombed by my own bomber. If you saw it sniped then you had altered assets. Like Steeveeo said, it was never snipeable in stock. I have played G66 where the Orb tank comes with the Subversion Ray and takes over my ships and towers, but have never seen him take my bomber into custody. It would have blown up instead like Nielk1 said if hit by the Subversion Ray.
But that's all off topic, take out bomber with Scions, hmmm. Scions are more of an offensive faction. You send maulers to take out their bomber bay, or like RD said, keep them to two pools is the best way so they can't make the bomber.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


nah it just falls to the ground and blows up, if i remember correctly. it was like this about 3-4 years ago when i played, guessing it was 1.2.

don't think it works when they're in the bay though, only when they are on the move.


the bomber is hardcoded as unsnipeable. definately in 1.2

if it fell to the ground and blew up, then it was killed the normal way...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: redrighthand on October 10, 2008, 09:01:57 AM
nah it just falls to the ground and blows up, if i remember correctly.

It does. That's what "blowing up" means in Battlezone II. :)

Killer AK

u can have 20 archers with popper generally they will miss and all get destroyed.
i know i tried.
in pb4a titans can hit the bomber but they have to see the bomber comming a long way off they ussually don't do a good job either.
best way to destroy bomber is kill it yourself.
dunno how come u couldn't hit it in a gun tower.


AI isnt so great at taking out bombers purely because bombers would be pretty useless if they could do it well... thered be almost no point...

gun tower should have worked :S... unless you didnt have the time or it was out of range, i suspect both of those... titans can aim high enough upwards. best way is to take advantage of physics. and keep youre popper archers out of the way... take advantage of their flying skills...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


If you were going to 'hijack' the Bomber for the Scions, say in a Recy variant, you probably should:

1. Require the creation of a building to unlock a weapon.
2. Use the weapon on the Bomber.
3. After that the Bomber goes to the new building (Scion Bomber Bay) but can't be rebuilt, just re-hijacked if the one you grabbed is destroyed.

I hate to see anything that brings the two races closer to just being the same thing.  I'd rather see one or more of these:

1. Scions 'restored' to more of a Black Dog build setup, where the Matriarch can undeploy and get the heck out of dodge.  It would fit in well with their 'hit and run' Scion mentality, as well as the ability to build buildings anywhere.  How many times have you hit the Scions only to find all of their buildings close by each other?  Some of the most fun Strats we had were when we put the Dower on one side of the map, rebuilt the Forge up near the enemy base, things like that.   Enhancing the difference, while possibly keeping some players from even trying the Scions, makes it more interesting...

2. Scions given Daywrecker ability from their Armory.  While less flamboyant than the Bomber, it is in keeping with #1 and evens things up without making both sides exactly the same.  It also makes the Scion Armory more of a priority target...

3. Scions given a more dedicated 'anti bomber' weapon for the Archers.  GAIPS uses my Rocket Pods with long range Swarmers, which seem pretty effective and very in keeping with Scion tech.



If you're in multiplayer, Jammers are the answer. Popper might work, but AI is inconsistent with bombers. Try stealing an enemy rocket tank?? Haha. Good luck with that one.

Killer AK

Archers with poppers don't work you can have 20 archers and 9 times out of ten they can't kill the bomber with out the bomber already dropping the bomb.
I've tested on my server!  :-P


use GH recy variant with rocket spires...

i think the idea of the bomber is that it is pretty definitive. supposed to be something you can easily take down. either that, or maybe an anti-air AI process could be added to titans? shame GT's cant do so

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


there's always the option of taking the AA-Flak from SRV 2.35 (dont remember if its in 2.20) and giving it to the Scions, excelent at killing bombers.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


would be a useful recy variant...

OR, give the scions a bomber. i made one for them once. but RD now uses that XSI for the Hadean bomber

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.