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Started by TheJamsh, November 12, 2008, 01:25:19 PM

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three things...

i just went on youre website, arnt you an eccentric fellow :D

another, where did 'MrTwoSheds' come from exactly?

another! when is the dalek-featuring mod coming out?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


The Daleks are the only race that are not native to BZ2 that looks worthy of BZRAP, though they likely will not be in it.

The Legions of Skaro will indeed be a fun mod.

Click on the image...


That web site is very old, My first and only, bodged together without consideration for all that conventions stuff... one day I will do something about it.
Arthur "twosheds" Jackson, originated from a Monty Pythons Flying Circus sketch, even older than my website.
He is absolutely nothing to do with me, I am Mr Arthur Jackson Twosheds!

My mod is on hold for now.
I do not see the point in releasing it for pb4a, It is a multiplayer mod and pb4a only seems to be stable with less than 4 players.
I wait patently hoping that pb4a is not the last public beta, and that someone has figured out what is wrong with it.


will you release assets if all goes arse over?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

shane ward

Quote from: mrtwosheds on November 12, 2008, 03:17:01 PM
That web site is very old, My first and only, bodged together without consideration for all that conventions stuff... one day I will do something about it.
Arthur "twosheds" Jackson, originated from a Monty Pythons Flying Circus sketch, even older than my website.
He is absolutely nothing to do with me, I am Mr Arthur Jackson Twosheds!

My mod is on hold for now.
I do not see the point in releasing it for pb4a, It is a multiplayer mod and pb4a only seems to be stable with less than 4 players.
I wait patently hoping that pb4a is not the last public beta, and that someone has figured out what is wrong with it.

I thought your mod was single player. Well thats changed things.... I do not mainly make multiplayer mods as no one will play anything I make with multiplayer, and I do not see the point, tooo few people and the normal game seems to be just fine, mods in single player more more intresting and fun to play.

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


agreed. MP can be fun. but really 1.2 is the version for that...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


If I was worried about wether people were actually going to play it, I would not be making bz2 mods! :-D
I have only really ever been into mp, single player would be a nice thing to add to it.


I would add the Daleks if enough people wanted them, it's just that they come off as a bit 'silly', and unthematic. Perhaps a poll is in order.



Quotewill you release assets if all goes arse over?
I will release it when I have finished it, I will probably release an xsi zip as well, as I see no reason not to.

Daleks are not a bit "silly", they are Very Very Silly. But millions of 5 to 99 year old's worldwide love em!
I see absolutely no reason why they might not use temporeal or dimensional modifying technology's to invade the BattleZone Universe.


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: mrtwosheds on November 13, 2008, 12:54:43 PM
I see absolutely no reason why they might not use temporeal or dimensional modifying technology's to invade the BattleZone Universe.

If I had to choose between the Universal Empire (Combine) and the Children of Skaro (Daleks)...

Let's face it, I'd side with the man-sized salt&pepper shakers of doom :P


We need a Stargate mod, plenty of small vessels that would fit well in BZ2 and be low poly, assuming the textures look good enough.

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script that OvermindDL1 did manually since Greasemonkey does not work in Firefox 3.1 yet...


i did find a Cylon Raider from battlestar galactica in shauns Assimilation mod. too bad the texture is awful.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

General BlackDragon

Quote from: OvermindDL1 on November 13, 2008, 08:28:03 PM
We need a Stargate mod, plenty of small vessels that would fit well in BZ2 and be low poly, assuming the textures look good enough.

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script that OvermindDL1 did manually since Greasemonkey does not work in Firefox 3.1 yet...

I have a puddle jumper and all the weapons seen in Atlantis for ancients/wraith.

*****General BlackDragon*****