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Early Effects & Explosions Video!

Started by TheJamsh, November 09, 2008, 05:45:59 AM

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BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Damn ****ing  File front. It doesn't matter which browser I use, I alwasy get:

Quote from: Stupid Picky ServerOnly one connection to the server is supported, so if you are using a download manager that attempts to establish multiple connections, you will receive this error.

Please wait while your request is retried...

If you need help starting your download, please contact FileFront support.

How do I fix this? For God's sake, I'm using IE, there's no way it'd be featureful enough to download using more than one connection at default settings.

Oh, wait, I think I know why... My IP is showing up multiple times as there are probably a dozen different Hughesnet users at any time using my same IP addres.

Edit: Must've been the other Hughesnet users. Successfull download of fil after registering an account there.

Zero Angel

QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Agreed. Most of the weaposn have spectacular, relaistic effects.

Though, perhaps the plasma mortar could use some more pizzaz. That's about all I can think of, but perhaps the low-res video didn't do it justice.

Edit: Oh, yes, and the smoke screen seems rather useless for a howitzer, but a pilot could possibly get away with it.

Zero Angel

Yeah about the smoke screen, it might be useful if it deployed a jamming mine with an rather small radius (think spraybomb -> null mine with a smoke effect and a jammer tapped to it), so that units which were in the smoke screen's radius would be hidden on radar too. That way one could deploy units in the smoke screen without them being immediately visible. It might even be MORE effective if the spraybomb deployed a spraybuilding which deployed several smokescreens -- that way you can saturate an area with a lot of smoke and jamming because theres multiple sources.

Oh and another thing is that a smoke screen would be a lot less effective if the enemy is using low gfx settings due to the fact that a lot of particles get culled/reduced on low particle detail.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression

General BlackDragon

not bad.

imo the plamsa mortar should be blue, and it's really hard to see?

*****General BlackDragon*****


Quote from: Angstromicus on November 09, 2008, 07:21:05 AM
Damn ****ing  File front. It doesn't matter which browser I use, I alwasy get:

How do I fix this? For God's sake, I'm using IE, there's no way it'd be featureful enough to download using more than one connection at default settings.

Oh, wait, I think I know why... My IP is showing up multiple times as there are probably a dozen different Hughesnet users at any time using my same IP addres.

Edit: Must've been the other Hughesnet users. Successfull download of fil after registering an account there.

This happens to me ALL the time. It's annoying really. I find a way to have getright download my file.
fight till death our forums -> http://www.forums.bzfiend.com/index.php?


Plasma mortar explosion appears to quickly, doesn't spread out enough. And I agree with ZA on that smokescreen thing. Maybe make the smokescreen into a pilot pack?


yeh the smoke screen is a pretty old weapon from a while back... i never really finished it. i was considering using it with a phantom VIR weapon, and the jamming spray bomb thing sounds like a good idea. sounds more like an alien weapon though. all good :)

im glad you all like, i was worried that they didnt seem 'full' enough when i posted them up. maybe thats because ive been playing COD lately :P

the plasma mortar is HEAVILY based on a mortar from Star Wars force commander. originally it was called heavy artillery, then i played FE through and it seemed like a good repalcement. i also copied the effects from star wars too :P. i wanted it to be hard to see, but maybe it is a little too transparent, the effect could be spruced up to probably, bit of ground smoke...

what did you think of the crate-kickup effect :P?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: TheJamsh on November 09, 2008, 02:41:59 PM
what did you think of the crate-kickup effect :P?
Looks like the crate has a jet engine on the bottom instead of bouncing, dunno which you were going for.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


i actually wanted them to land solid on the ground, havent quite got the physics dialled for that yet... maybe the dust should be 'lighter' looking? to see that its just surface dust not a jet engine.

or maybe steeveeo's being overly critical and finicky :P

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: TheJamsh on November 09, 2008, 05:21:52 PM
i actually wanted them to land solid on the ground, havent quite got the physics dialled for that yet... maybe the dust should be 'lighter' looking? to see that its just surface dust not a jet engine.

or maybe steeveeo's being overly critical and finicky :P

Actually, just a quicker burst would work. Just decrease the height range in which it fires off.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


i tried that originally... with the lower range but it was a bit unreliable with going off... ill probably tweak it a little more. still need to find the physics to get crates to land solid.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Don't think anybody's found that yet. When you do eventually get it (I'm sure you will) let us all know, a lot of mods could do with that feature.


Why FileFront??? It doesn't work most of the time. Now for example  :-(