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Mibbit IRC

Started by Dataanti, December 16, 2008, 07:20:33 PM

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i was trying to get into the mibbit irc to the BZC irc and the other 1 and i couldnt get anywere cause of this


any 1 know y


You've earned yourself some bans from various channels. Sometime in the future, you may prove to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation, with decent English spelling, sentence structure, coherent thoughts, and the like. Until then, we can only hope that you spend your time seeking to better yourself, instead of complaining without understanding.

-- GSH


Quote from: GSH on December 16, 2008, 07:57:59 PM
You've earned yourself some bans from various channels. Sometime in the future, you may prove to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation, with decent English spelling, sentence structure, coherent thoughts, and the like. Until then, we can only hope that you spend your time seeking to better yourself, instead of complaining without understanding.

-- GSH



but only u banned me from the bz2 chat not the bzc 1 and the other 1 what ever that was


You must have done something in those other channels as well...

Generated by OvermindDL1's Signature Auto-Add Script that OvermindDL1 did manually since Greasemonkey does not work in Firefox 3.1 yet...


I've tried to ban you from the two BZC ones after the crap you did in them but it didn't take.

Click on the image...


Quote from: Nielk1 on December 17, 2008, 02:07:05 PM
I've tried to ban you from the two BZC ones after the crap you did in them but it didn't take.
Quote from: GSH on December 16, 2008, 07:57:59 PM
You've earned yourself some bans from various channels. Sometime in the future, you may prove to be able to carry on an intelligent conversation, with decent English spelling, sentence structure, coherent thoughts, and the like. Until then, we can only hope that you spend your time seeking to better yourself, instead of complaining without understanding.

-- GSH
What the hell did I miss?!

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


i bugged GSH so much i drove him off the deep end and the BZC rooms i was just fooling around and there was no1 even in there other then N1 and i asked a question and mibbit said i was terminated


Quote from: Dataanti on December 17, 2008, 03:26:57 PM
i bugged GSH so much i drove him off the deep end and the BZC rooms i was just fooling around and there was no1 even in there other then N1 and i asked a question and mibbit said i was terminated

Perhaps you should take his advice.


mabye i should but i tried and i was bad at it so i gave up on it aanndd i forget who but some1 told me that i should ask questions on the forum instead of the irc BUT KNOW1 TOLD ME THAT PART but now i know