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Mission Failed Video

Started by Power Board, November 16, 2008, 10:18:05 PM

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Power Board

For my mod (see sig) I have separate .AVI files for each mission if the player dies.
For Eg:

Speaker: "Since you have failed the mission, the ISDF will be led astray. Since you have failed, the outpost is lost."
Background Vid: Showing ISDF units being destroyed by enemy and 'The Outpost' being destroyed.


Speaker: "The Outpost is lost. Now the enemy can control all of space, Including Earth."
Background Vid: Showing the all units being destroyed. Showing hallers collecting objects and taking them away.

I have a different one for each mission.
How can I add them into the mod so that they will play once the player has died during a certain mission?

Also, is it possable to have two dieing videos for one mission? Like if the player dies while during a certain part during the mission and fails it, video 123a will come up?

Zero Angel

The question I have, is if the player died, how can he even hear the lecture about how badly he failed?

Just sayin...
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


The only 'movie' attached to a mission is a success movie like the wormhole movie in stock.

HOWEVER, you CAN take control of the camera, move it around the map, spawn things off camera and have them move into frame and act, and play VOs.

I never understood those who make BIK movies of things that can be done in the engine itself in a lot less space either.

So yes and no. You can't do it the way you are thinking, but it will be better this other way.

Click on the image...

Power Board

Quote from: Nielk1 on November 16, 2008, 11:37:39 PM
You can't do it the way you are thinking, but it will be better this other way.


General BlackDragon

I think he ment you can do it the way your thinking, but it would be better to do it via ingame camera controls + dll.

*****General BlackDragon*****


Look in the \config\single\ folder for "missions.odf".  It's a little like an ODF, where you specify what files make up the information shown in the Single Player missions.

One mission looks like:

[ISDF 3]
missionTitle = "The Relic Discovered"
missionInfo = "NSDFmisn03.des"
missionFile = "NSDFmisn03.bzn"
planetName = "Mars"
planetInfo = "BZCMars.des"
planetGeom = "BZCMars00.xsi"

techCount = 1
techName1 = "NSDF Unit Factory"
techInfo1 = "avmuf.inf"
techGeom1 = "avmuf00.xsi"

mailCount = 0
mailName1 = ""
mailInfo1 = ""
mailGeom1 = ""
mailWave1 = ""
mailName2 = ""
mailInfo2 = ""
mailGeom2 = ""
mailWave2 = ""

briefInfo = "NSDFmisn03.brf"

launchMessage = "Nmisn03-Intro.wav"
launchBackground = "BZCmarsload.bmp"
//successMovie = ""

And, if you remove the // comment marks from "successMovie = " you can then specify a movie to play when the Player succeeds in the mission.


You can also play a movie from the DLL any time you want, although I haven't done so via either C++ or the Scriptor.

PlayMovie, "filename"
Plays the movie named "filename".
Example: playmovie,"intro.avi"


Finally, you can do a 'cutscene' instead of a movie using the 'cam' controls in the Scriptor, or similar commands from C++.

CameraCut, boolean
If the boolean is false, the player will not be able to use the space bar to cancel any camera sequences that follow, until the operation is performed again with the boolean set to true.
Example: cameracut,false

CamObject, object-a, position, object-b, integer
Performs a camera sequence that places the camera at the position (in meters) relative to object-a, and tracks object-b for the integer number of seconds. If the player hits the space bar the sequence is ended. Note: The camera motion may be excessive if object-a is moving. IMPORTANT: The script must not allow multiple routines to perform camera operations at the same time. Also, unusual results may occur if the routine is running at a runspeed higher than 1, or the routine is running at low priority.
Example: camobject,recycler,camoffset,titanattacker,10

CamOf, object, integer-a, integer-b
Performs a camera sequence that places the camera integer-a meters in front of the object so that it shows the world from the object's perspective for the integer-b number of seconds. If the player hits the space bar the sequence is ended. IMPORTANT: The script must not allow multiple routines to perform camera operations at the same time. Also, unusual results may occur if the routine is running at a runspeed higher than 1, or the routine is running at low priority.
Example: camof,tank,7,15

CamPos, object, position-a, position-b, integer
Performs a camera sequence that places the camera at the position-a (in meters) relative to the object, and tracks it as it moves to position-b at the integer speed in cm per second. If the player hits the space bar the sequence is ended. IMPORTANT: The script must not allow multiple routines to perform camera operations at the same time. Also, unusual results may occur if the routine is running at a runspeed higher than 1, or the routine is running at low priority.
Example: campos,recycler,highoffsetpos,closeoffsetpos,1000

CamPath, "pathname", integer-a, integer-b, object
Performs a camera sequence that moves the camera along the "pathname" (case-sensitive, maximum of 39 characters) path at integer-a cm above the ground and a speed of integer-b cm per second while tracking the object. If the player hits the space bar the sequence is ended. WARNING: The speed should be greater than 500 to avoid lockup. IMPORTANT: The script must not allow multiple routines to perform camera operations at the same time. Also, unusual results may occur if the routine is running at a runspeed higher than 1, or the routine is running at low priority.
Example: campath,"camera_1",1000,1000,hauler

CamPathDir, "pathname", integer-a, integer-b, boolean
Performs a camera sequence that moves the camera along the "pathname" (case-sensitive, maximum of 39 characters) path at integer-a cm above the ground and a speed of integer-b cm per second while tracking in the direction of the movement. If the boolean equals true, then the player can't abort the sequence. If it is false the player can abort using the space bar. IMPORTANT: The script must not allow multiple routines to perform camera operations at the same time. Also, unusual results may occur if the routine is running at a runspeed higher than 1, or the routine is running at low priority.
Example: campathdir,"camera_2",500,1000,true

These are touchy, in that you want to make sure the Player (who is for some reason the only thing not moving while the movie is playing) :evil: doesn't die when you start a cutscene.



I didn't think the play movie function played BIKs, but rather pre-recorded movements. I will have to test it.

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