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Map Editing Tools

Started by Hurricane, November 23, 2008, 12:41:18 PM

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Can someone tell me which ones are the two best?
By that I mean:

-Easiest to use
-Most objects, etc.


Ctrl + E is your friend.

Enter "game.cheat bzedit" if you need to in the console. Or if on 1.3, start up the separate bz2edit.exe in the root folder. you still need to press Ctrl + E after pulling up the program or console line.


All you need is Battlezone 2 and an operating system that will run it. I suppose a text editor would be useful, but there's normally one of those in each OS... I have yet to see one without one, if you know what I mean.



Quote from: mrtwosheds on November 23, 2008, 03:31:17 PM

Only if you want to change the overall size of the map, create a new map from a picture, or make big time changes.


What version are you using? If you're using 1.2, download Editor 2.0+ from BZSCRAP. That has most of the assets (including broken ones, ones that give you errors or are incomplete) in data.pak that the other editor doesn't.

The 1.3 editor has everything you need (unbroken assets) already included.


Quote from: Feared_1 on November 23, 2008, 10:08:16 PM
Only if you want to change the overall size of the map, create a new map from a picture, or make big time changes.

Or create perfect symmetry.

Click on the image...


Or just make a real nice looking map in a reasonably short time.


or do all thee above.

(sorry, not helpful...just in a good mood. :D )
Jonathan S.


HOWEVER... Winter ONLY deals with TERRAIN.

you will STILL need to add objects in the editor. Also, ANOTHER advantage of winter, a certain layer actually sets AI boundaries.  :-D


Quote from: Warfreak on November 24, 2008, 08:29:03 PM
a certain layer actually sets AI boundaries.  :-D

Actually nothing sets the ai boundaries.  I've had one unit go way past that point to where the game av'd.  It was the entire reason the mega's sentinal unit uses 'DefendArea" to keep from going straight off the map.
Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


Thanks for your help.
I have Editor 2.0: the one I used before I quit two years ago.

P.S. I'm making an ODF mod. I don't know when it will be done, but it's all stock stuff.
I'll describe it in another post.