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Longest Game Ever?

Started by Steeveeo, November 30, 2008, 02:16:34 AM

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Today, Warfreak, Hotshot, and I all finished up what very well may be the longest game in BZ2 history.

Game time: 5 hours, 17 minutes, and 55 seconds.

Below is the score log if anyone cares.

As Warfreak can attest (Hotshot doesnt have an account here), this was one intense match in MPI. For once the AI actually were hammering us in multiple areas with multiple tactics, constant bombing, and overall peskyness. And we were not even close to "toying" with the enemy for 5 and a quarter hours, in fact, I wouldnt be suprised if the AI were toying with US!

The entire game was a beta test of SRV on GreenHeart's Firestorm map. Hotshot was the first commander. We started out way too slow to ensure a quick game, as somehow the MPI DLL has ramped up the scrap cheat at least 2 fold (may or may not be a good thing), so they got the bomber out early and kept us down (And I cant seem to kill bomber bombs anymore), first by killing our minefields, and then coming for our stuff. Later, Hotshot had to leave temporarily, so I took command.

Working through bombing run after bombing run, I somehow got our base towers back up in time to push back and reclaim the forward pool. Slowly but surely, we regainsed our footing. Soon after, Hotshot made it back, but didnt seem to want command back, so I kept going. Warfreak and Hotshot teamed up and cleared out the North East ruins with their 2 statues (after a few sabres, and a bunch of quirky military role play that the two are lucky I didnt record ;)), and defended it until my Primary Constructor walked his way over and began building towers. I dont know quite how, but they defended against wave after wave of assault vehicles and the occasional sabre.

As soon as we got a strong hold on that area, I brought in a convoy consisting of a Field Recycler, two service trucks and a Railgun Attilla. Luckily, the only problems encountered enroute were a couple hangups on towers (damn pathing) and one assault tank. After deploying the field recy, I busied myself with building up the base and defenses simultaneously, as Warfreak and Hotshot heroically fought off APCs, Assault Tanks, Rocket Tanks, Sabres, and the occasional bomber, while I got up the towers.

After that, I started building seige groups, consisting of one Railgun Attilla and two Service Trucks, and giving them to Warfreak and Hotshot.

But I made a grave mistake right after. I decided that it was near the end of the game, so I wanted to help out the seige. I hopped in my own Seige caravan and ran toward the enemy base. About halfway there, a lone bomber decided to hit my power, and about 5 assault tanks started pummeling the base. Working my way back, I came upon a heavily damaged base, and made haste to try to fix everything through several attack waves.

After reregaining our base footing. the two requested that I make them Sabres fitted with Sky Eye Laser Beacons so that they could perform precision strikes inside the enemy defenses. This, combined with a few successful Hammer Missile Strikes, Attila Runs, and a couple bomber hits, ended the game, with the three of us the victors.

So, in order to make this not just a "WooHoo We won a Game!" Thread, I ask you: What is the longest game YOU have every played, and do you have a story about it?

Awesome Opossum                                             
   Score                                                    3298
   Deaths                                                   164
   Kills                                                    600
Slimy Snakes                                                 
   Score                                                    -1063
   Deaths                                                   664
   Kills                                                    109
Steeveeo (Awesome Opossum)                                   
   Score                                                    2071
   Deaths                                                   14
   Kills                                                    365
HotShot (Awesome Opossum)                                   
   Score                                                    341
   Deaths                                                   9
   Kills                                                    34
Warfreak (Awesome Opossum)                                   
   Score                                                    15
   Deaths                                                   0
   Kills                                                    3

Total Game Time: 5:17:55                                     
Team 1 (Awesome Opossum - Steeveeo)                         
   Craft Built                                              326
   Craft Lost                                               136
   Craft Recycled                                           1
Craft Destroyed of team 1 (Steeveeo)                        12
Craft Destroyed of team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                    342
Craft Lost to team 1 (Steeveeo)                             12
Craft Lost to team 3 (Awesome Opossum)                      1
Craft Lost to team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                         66
Craft lost (sniped) by team 3 (Awesome Opossum)             1
   Buildings Constructed                                    125
   Buildings Lost                                           28
   Buildings Recycled                                       16
Buildings Destroyed of team 1 (Steeveeo)                    6
Buildings Destroyed of team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                4
Buildings Lost to team 1 (Steeveeo)                         6
Buildings Lost to team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                     21
   Scrap Collected                                          5661
   Scrap Harvested (Recycler)                               2459
   Scrap Harvested (Extractor)                              4204
   Scrap Harvested (Upgraded)                               11856
   Scrap Recycled                                           335
   Scrap Spent                                              25374
Team 6 (Slimy Snakes - Slimy Snakes)                         
   Craft Built                                              563
   Craft Lost                                               549
Craft Destroyed of team 1 (Steeveeo)                        66
Craft Destroyed of team 2 (HotShot)                         54
Craft Destroyed of team 3 (Awesome Opossum)                 21
Craft Destroyed of team 4 (Awesome Opossum)                 10
Craft Destroyed of team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                    22
Craft Lost to team 1 (Steeveeo)                             342
Craft Lost to team 2 (HotShot)                              94
Craft Lost to team 3 (Awesome Opossum)                      34
Craft Lost to team 4 (Awesome Opossum)                      44
Craft Lost to team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                         22
   Buildings Constructed                                    47
   Buildings Lost                                           29
   Buildings Recycled                                       0
Buildings Destroyed of team 1 (Steeveeo)                    21
Buildings Destroyed of team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                10
Buildings Lost to team 1 (Steeveeo)                         4
Buildings Lost to team 2 (HotShot)                          11
Buildings Lost to team 3 (Awesome Opossum)                  2
Buildings Lost to team 4 (Awesome Opossum)                  2
Buildings Lost to team 6 (Slimy Snakes)                     10
   Scrap Collected                                          1217
   Scrap Harvested (Recycler)                               1975
   Scrap Harvested (Extractor)                              807
   Scrap Harvested (Upgraded)                               9807
   Scrap Recycled                                           0
   Scrap Spent                                              32344

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


Wow.  And I thought our SRV beta games were long...

I'd have to say that our longest games were when we were just messing around testing the tech trees with you, Nielk1, Sean and I.  Then pissing you off by bombing your base.  Ah, those were the days...

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


4 hours 45 minutes (or roundabout) over a LAN. BEST game i ever had.

apart from it was with my 7 year old brother who cares more about buildings than armies, naturally i owned him =]

that was him playing with my scion starship recy variant and me playing my OLD version of the AAN race. was immense!

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


To be fully honest i had to bail out the match at 5 hours in, so didnt get so se the victory.  :|

THAT was also THE longest match I've ever been in... so far. :evil:


My longest MPI game was almost 4 hours long using the GreenHeart variant in 1.3, but I find it hard to consider MPI games as "real" games (you know... other patches and stuff). Good for practice and lots of fun when the enemy can stand their ground, though.

Longest Strategy game was nearly 2 and a half hours long. Players on both teams were missing 10/11 Blast shots by that time. Other team eventually won when they got in a successful bomber hit and rushed us.

EDIT: Edited a part that was sounding a little harsh.


I have played a 4 hour game, just a few weeks ago.
It was an FE MPI on some tropical wilderness map.
It was against the Hadeans.
I have never seen the computer act so well. When we went to attack their base
7+ Sirens came and struck ours.

It's amazing, playing a game like that.


I almost got you..Firestorm is always a beast....4 hours and 17 minutes in 1.3 beta 3 vs scions

Zero Angel

4.5 hour ZST game -- ISDF vs Scion. We were scions and dominated the field throughout almost the entire game. We would periodically send mauler rushes to the ISDF base in hopes of cracking their recycler. It was hopeless, every one of our rushes failed thanks to them having chain turrets, GTs, Rocket tanks, assault tanks, etc. Not to mention the fact that they had about 4 trucks on their recycler which would fully heal it within 5 minutes, making a follow-up attack out of the question.

So every few minutes after a failed rush or archer bombardment it was back to the drawing board. We would die at base, get back into our warriors, and kill every thing of theirs that left their base. With the fighting skill being about equal, Scions still had the advantage when it came to owning the field. About 4 hours and 15 minutes in, our commander gave us two maulers each. We were to execute a rec rush in two stages. First kill defenses, then rush the recycler. Well, with our first mauler we killed the turrets and GTs which would help foil our previous rushes. Making sure to die quickly, we got into the 2nd maulers and began hitting the rec. They still had defenses, but we had taken enough out to finish their recycler. By the time we killed the rec, we were down to 1 mauler, whose sole job was to hit the factory and win the game for us. It died quickly before doing much damage.

We landed in our base to the announcement of 'base under attack'. It turns out that the ISDF team, rather than fortifying their factory even more, had launched a counter attack against our base. Sabres, Rocket Tanks, Assault Tanks and turrets came pouring in -- and made quick work of our defenses. We tried to fight off the human piloted sabres, but lost due to the fact that we had no place safe to retreat to, as well as they were being supported by the seige units (Rocket and PL-Stab asstanks are very effective for supporting a fighting team). Our matriarch and forge fell shortly after 5 minutes from the time they started seiging us. It was a very close game.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


You have to lose recycler and factory in MPI, then?


In ZST, yes.

EDIT: Oh... misread the question:

MPI too.


Oh, right. I've got to get that up and running again.


Yes, in mpi you must defeat their rec and fac.
The longest one I remember playing in all the way through was a 1.3pb3 G66 game on the Reptilian map. And it was 3hr. before we won. They had rushed us with so many attacks it was crazy. But we finally made an outpost of towers close to their base and was able to launch an attack after we got the attention of the Ghouls and Destroyers. While they chased us our sabres and walkers went in and took care of things. I have lost that map more than I've won it. And each time it was at least a 2hr. game.
There is no knowledge that is not power.


Quote from: Hurricane on November 30, 2008, 04:09:25 PM
I have played a 4 hour game, just a few weeks ago.
It was an FE MPI on some tropical wilderness map.
It was against the Hadeans.
I have never seen the computer act so well. When we went to attack their base
7+ Sirens came and struck ours.

It's amazing, playing a game like that.

lol that sounds exactly like one me and some other guys played a few weeks ago