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Animation Backwards

Started by shane ward, November 26, 2008, 09:59:14 AM

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shane ward

Hi all,

Is there anyway to get Battlezone 2 to run animation backwards, or play the animation from the last frame to the first, other then first to last. Or instruct the Dll scriptor to play the file backwards.

I have a file I would like to use, but I need it to play backwards. Like a robot, getting up and not sitting down. As I cannot animate it at all.
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


You could just reverse the order of the keyframes in the XSI in notepad.

Click on the image...

shane ward

I tried that with notepad but I got confused with the order of the animation and it kinda went wrong..

I have decided to upload the file for anyone to try, I am hoping that someone can just press and button to reverse the animation...

The robot should put it's self together.....

File: - http://www.bzscrap.com/~shanesmods/files/fcibob.XSI

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


It's name is Bob? ive been calling it Rob for the longest time.  :-P

Is that the death animation?


From his last post, I'd guess so. The reverse of building itself is falling apart, so if the death animation is it falling to pieces, then yes.

shane ward

Bob? I just jumbled up the name of the file a little, not really thinking....

Anyway, I made some kind of platform as I am a little stuck at what to do, I did intend to have the walker put it's self together as parts crawl to the centre and build it's self up, kind of like a spooky funny horror movie, But the animation is impossible for me, so I thought a simple reversing of a death animation might be more simple and someone could whip it an a second.. Hopefully....

Otherwise I will just have it as a basic building unit that just moves.... Does that sound interesting?

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -

shane ward

Anyone want to do this for me?

Here is the MAX file to make things easy for ya all.....

Link: -  http://www.bzscrap.com/~shanesmods/files/fcirob.max

I really need this file done ASAP. Like NOW!!!!!!!.... Have fun ;)

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com

shane ward

Thanks, bigbadbogie

Sorry to be a pain, But could you export it into Xsi format, If you are able to.. I do not have 3D Max on my system.

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com

shane ward

Exilent BBB, I will get to work on it tomorrow....

I am glad to say that this topic is finaly closed.

However if there is anyone out there that thinks that they can make this model put it's self together in a intresting and scary or funny way, you are more then welcome to download the max file, Play with it and post it... I will keep it on the server...

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -

shane ward

Damn, Thought things went will, But the animation came to a little problem that I hope people can help with.

From what I can tell, When the walker is placed into the game and it plays, it puts it's self together but then the head will drop down. Not sure why. The original links are there for anyone that wants to look at it. Otherwise I will have to use this....

Hope ya all can help
Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -


It is the same thing that the mauler head does with the death animation.

The pivot resets to match the world, something about the construction you would think. However, as far as I know, its an engine thing.

shane ward

The head will not drop all the way down to the floor, it will just bend it's self and just look down, Or something like that, I'll post a screenshot later, Can't at the moment, I will need to go shortly.

Battlezone 2 Mod and Map Maker.
See my site: -