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What's so cool about battlezone?

Started by CivBase, November 28, 2008, 02:22:00 PM

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I like BZ2 because of the freedom. You can easily mod it, you have more than one patch to play, and a wide variety of... people... to interact with.

Quote from: BaD on December 18, 2008, 08:01:55 PMJust got high speed myself, and if I ever figure out how to play online I figure it should be quite the experience.

QUITE an experience...


going onto multiplayer is excellent, i recently discovered the wonders of it myself...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Zero Angel

For strat, its intensity. I enjoy how my emotion changes depending on the scenario. I can see my fear as I encounter an elite pilot coming at me in a laser scout and I think 'evade!'. I can marshal my resources and watch dispassionately as events unfold around me. My aim is to 'win' through superior mental fortitude. One common thing I tell my fellow teammates is 'remain focused', 'dont let him dance you around'. I can at one moment be cautious and afraid as I encounter an enemy on the field, then seeing a moment of weakness in his maneuvering and I can break out into a rage where I throw my entire mental will at him in hopes of overcoming his skill with the force of my rage. I get a sense of achievement from stepping back and analyzing the situation, whos hitting what, what their intentions are. The reflection of the outcome of a match is dependent entirely upon my attitude at a given moment. For me BZ2 is about strategy and your attitude. If i'm upset it comes through in how i'm doing. One moment I can be on top of the world with insight into everything thats going on in the battlefield, taking out enemy ships left and right and being unstoppable -- and in another I can be upset and blaming others and constantly losing my ship. BZ2 is like any other game i've played because your attitude is the most important factor and once you reach a certain point of veterancy, you become a set piece and your morale is the most important thing. One player can inspire his entire team to succeed, or one player can ruin it all. Theres so many pieces on the board and they all matter -- the real strategy comes in gaining mastery over your own disposition in a given moment -- then taking the disposition of all the other pieces and using it to your advantage.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Even today i think BZ2s graphics are still quite good. On my Geforce 8600 GTS, if i build a lot of units it lags.

That and most people are nice and do not PK you (unless provoked, very little needed though). No one has ever yelled at me for my commanding skills in Strat (other people have gotten yelled at however), i give them what they want as long as i have nothing else i need thats more important.

BZ2 is the only game of its kind, combining RTS and FPS into one satisfying game. Too bad there was no 3.
I liek chz



Quote from: Zero Angel on December 20, 2008, 06:38:25 AM
For strat, its intensity. I enjoy how my emotion changes depending on the scenario. I can see my fear as I encounter an elite pilot coming at me in a laser scout and I think 'evade!'. I can marshal my resources and watch dispassionately as events unfold around me. My aim is to 'win' through superior mental fortitude. One common thing I tell my fellow teammates is 'remain focused', 'dont let him dance you around'. I can at one moment be cautious and afraid as I encounter an enemy on the field, then seeing a moment of weakness in his maneuvering and I can break out into a rage where I throw my entire mental will at him in hopes of overcoming his skill with the force of my rage. I get a sense of achievement from stepping back and analyzing the situation, whos hitting what, what their intentions are. The reflection of the outcome of a match is dependent entirely upon my attitude at a given moment. For me BZ2 is about strategy and your attitude. If i'm upset it comes through in how i'm doing. One moment I can be on top of the world with insight into everything thats going on in the battlefield, taking out enemy ships left and right and being unstoppable -- and in another I can be upset and blaming others and constantly losing my ship. BZ2 is like any other game i've played because your attitude is the most important factor and once you reach a certain point of veterancy, you become a set piece and your morale is the most important thing. One player can inspire his entire team to succeed, or one player can ruin it all. Theres so many pieces on the board and they all matter -- the real strategy comes in gaining mastery over your own disposition in a given moment -- then taking the disposition of all the other pieces and using it to your advantage.

Nicely said.  However, where you stated strategy you should have said tactics.  Tactics is the part during battle where you are looking for immediate situations.  Strategy is an overall view and thought about something, such as going to go take one pool instead of another because of such and such reasons.

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Zero Angel

Well there is both tactics and strategy involved. Ghosting headlong into an enemy group and then getting them to chase you out is a tactic used to waste the enemy's time and to relieve some of the pressure they're putting on the base or pools. But receiving scavengers, having them start moving to a location on the field, and then deliberately starting a dogfight there seems more strategic in nature. So is choosing between focusing on pools/scavs, base, or thugs. Depending on the changing conditions of the battlefield.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression