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Alien War Mod coming..... in like 20 years

Started by Darkplanet01, December 19, 2008, 04:26:46 AM

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Most people will read this post and be thinking 'this guy's getting way too ahead of himself'. And those people would be right. But I have a nack for getting way too ahead off myself, and I thought, why stop now?
Anyway, the reason I'm getting into mapping, modelling and modding is so I can make this Alien War mod. The storyline will take place after the events of Forgotten Enemies. It will include two new races - the Scawn and the Olympians (yippee, the other side of the Cthonians!) I'll also be adding things to existing races, like the addition of Furies to both Scions and Hadeans, and the addition of Cerberizer Vats and Cerberized vehicles on the Cerberi build list.
But as I said earlier, I'm getting way too ahead of myself, and this mod won't be coming out for several years. I'm still in the early stages of learning how to mod, so you'll be waiting for a loooong time. I probably shouldn't have even made this announcement so soon, but I suddenly felt like it and thought 'why not?' And besides, those that are kindly instructing me in the art of BZII modding might as well know what I'm gonna do with the skills they teach me.
I would also like permission to use TheJamsh's Hadean Xaketh Bomber, with the Bomber Vat, as well as Steeveeo's ISDF (or, in the case of my mod, EDF) "Longbow" Artillery. Don't start giving me ODF's or XSI's for these things, since, for the fiftieth time, I'm still in the early stages of learning to mod and Alien War won't be coming for a very long time. I just want permission to use them.
Post any requests/suggestions for the mod here, and, yet again, please forgive me for getting so far ahead.

For more info on Alien War, visit my site.
You should find the info in Gaming/Battlezone II/Alien War Mod.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and the world laughs harder.
Check out my site - www.freewebs.com/darkplanet01


Sounds good. I know guys keep going on about alternate timelines, but maybe we should get together and talk storyline... try to avoid conflict. I don't like conflict, no matter how much Nielk1 goes on about how mods can't hurt each other :P

BNG Da BZ Fool

Take your time and build up your BZII knowledge. Focus, your efforts on modeling your own creations rather then reusing what exists already. I've been modeling a few years now since like 2005 and most of that time has been spent finding the right basic modeling and support tools to get stuff underway. Then came the task of learning to use those tools to well just start doing stuff. After a while you'll soon discover where your strongest modding skills are and where you'll need to enlist the cooperation of others that too have certain strong modding skills where you're weak. Assist others who need help and think of it as a learning experience towards acquiring the skills to get your own mod underway. I have a ton of models that I've made over the years, but only recently did I realize that I now have enough assets to even contemplate a new race of alien BZII fighters. I envision them as raiders that prey off of the resources of other races. I call them BNG's Raiders, and basically they are going to be a rag-tag bunch of commando pirates out to plunder the universe. Anyways, back to reality again. Eat, drink and most importantly sleep BZII until you start to regret ever trying your hand at modding for BZII, and your mod will eventually begin to naturally evolve of it's own accord. 
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.


Mods can't hurt each other.  There, that makes two of us.
I don't think any modder should force himself to sacrifice original story elements just to create continuity with someone else's mod.


Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Why is everyone trying to make mods AFTER FE? damn, im doing it! leave my slot alone :D i sort of see the storyline as a good and bad thing...

Its good, because it keeps BZII very real, and enables you to use a lot of twists, and everything fits together nicely so far. There seems to be one general storyline written by Avatar a long time ago, that i and i think many others accept as the actual 'timeline of BZII'. It also makes mods much easier to make by already having a base to work from.

It's bad, because we keep fighting for the same spots. I aim to get Serenesis' storyline into this 'widely accepted' storyline that Avatar wrote... And i hope in doing so i can really widen the board and open up space for other mods to follow it. And tbh, Serenesis' storyline is really freaking good :). you'll love it you will! trouble is, it also follows straight after FE, although the 'playable section' starts after about 10 years atm...

The only reason its taking so long is because im trying to get everything totally new and unique, keeping it BZII, but much more exciting and in depth. Im also trying to push the engine to the limits... which might suck a bit for people with 2.0ghz or lower...

Very much looking forward to the upcoming mods. i think the next few years are going to see BZII finally reach its limit. QF1 and quite possibly QF2 had a big impact on what could be done with .dll's. BZ Classic, and all its campaigns should tie the beginning up properly, SRV is taking advantage of the pb4a patch really well, Im hoping Serenesis will wipe the floor with a lot of stuff, and EPIC should be something truly unique as well.

sorry for the thread hi-jack haha

EDIT: Oh sorry i didnt see the request for the Xaketh bomber, feel free to use if but i would credit myself for the re-make and coxxon for the models...

im eventually going to put a bomb together for AHadley, you can use it too if you like

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: TheJamsh on December 19, 2008, 03:46:22 PM
Why is everyone trying to make mods AFTER FE? damn, im doing it! leave my slot alone :D i sort of see the storyline as a good and bad thing...

Its good, because it keeps BZII very real, and enables you to use a lot of twists, and everything fits together nicely so far. There seems to be one general storyline written by Avatar a long time ago, that i and i think many others accept as the actual 'timeline of BZII'. It also makes mods much easier to make by already having a base to work from.

It's bad, because we keep fighting for the same spots. I aim to get Serenesis' storyline into this 'widely accepted' storyline that Avatar wrote... And i hope in doing so i can really widen the board and open up space for other mods to follow it. And tbh, Serenesis' storyline is really freaking good :). you'll love it you will! trouble is, it also follows straight after FE, although the 'playable section' starts after about 10 years atm...

The only reason its taking so long is because im trying to get everything totally new and unique, keeping it BZII, but much more exciting and in depth. Im also trying to push the engine to the limits... which might suck a bit for people with 2.0ghz or lower...

Very much looking forward to the upcoming mods. i think the next few years are going to see BZII finally reach its limit. QF1 and quite possibly QF2 had a big impact on what could be done with .dll's. BZ Classic, and all its campaigns should tie the beginning up properly, SRV is taking advantage of the pb4a patch really well, Im hoping Serenesis will wipe the floor with a lot of stuff, and EPIC should be something truly unique as well.

sorry for the thread hi-jack haha

EDIT: Oh sorry i didnt see the request for the Xaketh bomber, feel free to use if but i would credit myself for the re-make and coxxon for the models...

im eventually going to put a bomb together for AHadley, you can use it too if you like
Thanks for that, and sorry if me making a mod after Forgotten Enemies frustrates you. I just thought my mod would best fit in after FE, and it means I can have Hadean and Cerberi fit in nicely.
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and the world laughs harder.
Check out my site - www.freewebs.com/darkplanet01


I really hope that you can find a way to fit this mod in with the main BZ storyline.

The main problem would be Fleshstorm, as its story doesn't allow for any new types of enemies from the year 2010 (FE) to 2023 (FS).

I compensated for this by having the QF as a small and relatively unknown faction. I hope you can find a way too. Maybe the EDF force that is there is wiped out along with the Scawn and Olympians so that nobody ever finds out.  :?
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Or you could make it so "while the EDF and Hadeans are going at it in one Solar System, this new group of Aliens has sprouted and you are on a very, very, very, very secret mission that no one has ever heard of up to this point to go kill them all".

Sorry, I don't mean to sound picky if I do. Do what you want. Your mod. :)


But if you want it accepted into the actual BZ storyline, you will have to make it fit somehow.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Quote from: bigbadbogie on December 20, 2008, 01:38:38 AM
But if you want it accepted into the actual BZ storyline, you will have to make it fit somehow.
I have no idea how many times this has been repeated, but...

The only "actual" BZ storyline is the progression from BZ1/TRO to BZ2.  If you want to have it fit into the storyline that has been adopted by the community via FE and FS, that's ok.  If you want to start your own branch and work off of that, that's fine, too.  Do what you want to do, and you shouldn't let others influence your decision on where you want the mod to go.

I find that if I don't have a signature, some people disregard the last couple of lines of a long post.
Quote from: Lizard
IQ's have really dropped around here just recently, must be something in the water.


I am not forcing him to do anything.

Just advising him of my opinion.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


hey it doesnt frustrate me :) nice to see more mods out!

my storyline sort of fits in after FE, but i push FS MUCH further into the future instead...

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Ok, I'm going to reiterate the same thing i see when it comes to "Fan Made Content" (mods) fitting in with the "Canon Content of the Company" (original release).

DON'T DO IT!!! Instead of wasting 10 years thinking "oo, how am i gonna fit this in with the rest of the creativity of the community so that I look even more creative" actually MAKE THE MOD... Don't subject yourself to the mold that is now apparently FE and FS... Be even more creative than that, make us try to fill in the gaps instead of you trying to do everything in one 50 year late swoop.

There is a reason Lizard actually gave himself some legroom for the placement of FS's storyline, so he wouldn't have to be filling in every little gap. (at least i think it is)

Point is, never let yourself be fooled that there is only one way for a mod storyline to go, be creative and pull out everything your head can think of. THAT is what makes something great. Not "does it fit", but rather "does it make others think and look at it with adoring eyes". All because the game is Battlezone 2 doesn't mean your mod has to fit in with the supposed "BZ Universe Timeline".

Ex: Twoshed's Dalek mod, Fishbone's DuneCommand, FE and FS when they came out, all the old IA mission packs, Resistance, Uler, and what you decide to make.  :-D


Also, I'll be glad to retexure the Longbow for the EDF for use of that nature.  :wink: