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Silly question about BZII weapon hard points?

Started by BNG Da BZ Fool, December 24, 2008, 10:37:50 AM

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use weaponMask = 11111 and rocket tank AI will use all weapons at the same time.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

BNG Da BZ Fool

U da man TJ tanks. Just what I needed to hear that would make my unit more useful against varying targets on the battlefield.

BNG's Raiders are slowly evolving into a random group of Eco-friendly thugs with a salvage yard recycler and factory looking garbage scowl. Even the GT's are going look like improvised towers with soldier figures manning the towers. Their scavengers are going to look like garbage trucks even when deployed on a bio pool. I seem to prefer wheeled vehicles over track based units, and would like to minimize the standard assortment of vehicles in favor of fewer, lighter, faster, and more mobile units with lite self repairing armor. I may begin modeling the race closer to the Scion or Hadean genre rather then the ISDF model I'm currently using as I want to minimize the number of buildings required to get a base built to begin pillaging other races.
-------------------------   Incoming transmission from Genok BNG--------------------------------
The Raider's, as I see I don't want to dominate the universe; they just view other waring races as wasteful bag-a-bons creating chaos around the universe. They're basically a bunch of rebels that want to restore peace and order in the universe. The Raiders themselves are converts from all of the other races that have turned against their own power hungry leaders, and vowed to fight the madness under the command of a leader named, Genok BNG, a super natural alien from a small planet on the far side of the universe. He was once allied with the Scions, but soon found that they too were wasteful and needed to be defeated to bring order back to the universe. The Raider's, though relatively small in number are a rowdy bunch of battle hardened ex veterans that view Genok BNG as the universes best hope for eventual peace again. Each has sworn an allegiance to him and vowed to help restore order even it means the loss of their own life.
-------------------------------End of transmission------------------------------------------------
When I'm not in hot water with the community I'm usually making models for BZII. I've made a few models for other peeps. BNG.