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is there a DefedndUnit type comand in AIP's for pb4a?

Started by TheJamsh, December 26, 2008, 05:43:29 PM

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Im working on the AIP's for SRV, and need a DefendUnit type command.

The rule is, during upgrade programs i want the constructors to be protected by a couple of tanks. prevents them being picked off

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


There has gotta be, I see sentries following scavs all the time, check the stock AIPs and see how they did it.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.

Red Devil

The only plans that allow a defendType are CollectPool and CollectField, however, you can use a DefendArea plan to defend a crig (or anything else).

The units sent to defend it are determined by the units in the Match section.


If an fvscout comes within range of an ivcons, 2 ivscouts will be sent to attack it.

If no units exist, the AIP will hang, so make sure you have units to match by checking for them with an Exists condition.

targetType1 = "fvscout"
attackType1_1 = "ivscout"
attackType1_2 = "ivscout"

planType = "DefendArea"
planPriority = 870
planCondition = "Exists"
planConditionClass = "ivscout"
planConditionCount = 2
planCompare = ">="
planConditionClassProvided = true
CheckProvides = true
targetType = "ivcons"
searchRadius = 100  <<=== new for PB4
doNextOnFail = 1
What box???


While working on the stock13 aip set we setup some global providenames so that they could be used to help detect the object to be defended & also detect if the cpu team has anything to send offensive units to attack with.

On the new map that i've recently released is an example of the aip taking advanage of the global providename that was left in the christmas tree odf dispite the tree is on a neutral team(zero).  Which means you will get ambushed for sitting next to the christmas tree awaiting for another present to spawn.  (stock13 aip set)

Below is a list of global providenames that were setup to eliminate the amount of plans used for each item. 

are currently being used in the stock13 aip set.

DefendUnit   // mobile attack units
defender     // Covers Assault Tower,Gun Tower, Rocket Tower, and Mortar Tower Variants.
base          // This should cover most of the buildings in the cpu base.
flier           // This covers APC,Bomber,Scion Acher
extract      // covers both types of extractors  *bscav & *bscup  (replace * with I or F)
ibrecy fbrecy  // Aip will try to detect this providename to send attacks to kill your recycler.
ibrecycpu fbrecycpu  //  If this providename is found ingame then it will trigger some aip plans to repair or defend the cpu recycler.

While these global providenames were added to the stock13 aip set, the game also required those names also exist as odf files.  I'm not sure if they still need to exist as odf files in pb4a.   

planType = "DefendArea"
planPriority = 880
planCondition = "Exists"
planConditionClass = "DefendUnit"// check to see if any offensive exist & turn off plan if none exist.(prevents aip from sticking)
planConditionCount = 1
planCompare = ">="
planConditionClassProvided = true
planConditionOr = false
planCondition2 = "Exists"
planConditionClass2 = "base"  //
planConditionCount2 = 1
planCompare2 = ">="
planConditionClassProvided2 = true
planConditionOr2 = false
CheckProvides = true
targetType = "base"
doNextOnFail = 1

planType = "DefendArea"
planPriority = 870
planCondition = "Exists"
planConditionClass = "DefendUnit"  // check to see if any offensive exist & turn off plan if none exist.(prevents aip from sticking)
planConditionCount = 1
planCompare = ">="
planConditionClassProvided = true
planConditionOr = false
planCondition2 = "Exists"
planConditionClass2 = "extract"
planConditionCount2 = 1
planCompare2 = ">="
planConditionClassProvided2 = true
planConditionOr2 = false
CheckProvides = true
targetType = "extract"
doNextOnFail = 1

Many failures will take place in the process of attempting to achive your goal. It don't matter how many times you fail, Its how much you've learned each time since its apart of the learning process.


well really i want the constructors to be protected all the time by the tanks. dont want them to be too late getting there.

i just think lone constructors are easy to pick off. Scavs are cheaper and are protected, yet cons are not? strange if you ask me.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Oooer, I like that!
defend the tree or the base if there is no tree or a pool if there is no base...
Going to have to find time to get my head back into my aips soon,
so much has changed for pb4/a, its difficult to figure out what can be done with all this new stuff.