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AIP making help :hosolon

Started by hosolon, December 27, 2008, 08:09:00 PM

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Red Devil

Nope.  Each AIP type (013als) does a different thing and are triggered by the DLL depending upon game state, so you need to set them up that way.

0 == startup (collect pools)

1/3 General action

A == Ant-Assault

S == Anti-Siege

L == Late Game
What box???


In pb4a there is a switch.

DLLCanSwitch = False
to turn off dll switching if you want to, but then you have to supply commands like this to make it switch when you want it to.

MinTtlScrap = 100
//HisMinTtlScrap = 100
planCondition = "HisExists"
planConditionClass = "dbfact"
planConditionCount = 1
planCondition2 = "HisExists"
planConditionClass2 = "dbarmo"
planConditionCount2 = 1
planCondition3 = "HisExists"
planConditionClass3 = "dbsbay"
planConditionCount3 = 1
planPriority = 255
planType = "SwitchAIP"
NextAIP = "LOS13_dd6.aip"

Im hoping to make my aips a bit smarter with this, but making aip sets takes some mental dedication and time to do, its not easy.


this is what a pre-made .aip file looks like.
planType = "CollectPool"
planType = "CollectPool"
planType = "CollectPool"
planType = "BuildMinimums"
planConditionClass = "fbforg"
buildType1 = "fvscout"
planType = "Attacker"
attackType2 = "fvscout"
planType = "CollectField"
planType = "BuildMinimums"
buildType1 = "fvcons"
planType = "BaseBuildMinimums"
planConditionClass = "fbforg"
buildType1 = "fbkiln"
planType = "Upgrade"
planConditionClass = "fbforg"
planType = "Attacker"
attackType1 = "fvscout"
planType = "BaseBuildMinimums"
buildType1 = "fbspir"
planType = "Attacker"
planType = "BaseBuildMinimums"
buildType1 = "fbdowe"
buildType2 = "fbstro"
planType = "Attacker"

where is the switch from 0 to 1 or 3 or from a to l?
my question is do i have to make an .aip file 6 times or just once?
      the pre-made ones have all 6 :?


you have to make 6 AIP files. they DONT get split up in-game.

all six are different

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


The stock aips do not use the DLLCanSwitch = False switch.

The dll switches aip's when certain conditions are met, like
Going near the enemy base
building 3 assault vehicles etc etc.

I was just pointing out that DLLCanSwitch = False can be used to customise this switching, you could use it so that you just use 2 simple aip's, or maybe 10 huge and complex ones!

Thorough reading of the modlog's is essential to gain an understanding of what is now possible with aip's.