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Any class that can support loop animations and taps?

Started by ScarleTomato, January 11, 2009, 10:12:37 AM

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LOL!   Plasma Frogs?  Energy Crickets?  So pretty, all jumping and glowing like that.




BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Was it a 1.2 things?I never see that kind of strange pattern of plasma balls.Thunderbolt ship comes with plasma?


BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


yeah i keep trying to create one thing and keep going off on wild tangents

one question though, it appears that silos cant be upgraded. is this something that might change in the future? Im using upgradable buildings with silo taps as a workaround but still seems kind of messy.

another thing, If i upgrade a tap then the parent building thinks the original tap is gone and the player can re add the lung, not sure yet how to get around this. Have any of yall run into this problem or a workaround? I tried using a dummy tap as powerName1 but contrary to the changelog the cons does seem to use powername2 and 3 for adding back the second and third taps


silos are upgradeable, i had one that you could upgrade three times... im pretty sure of it...

as for the third paragraph, just add a provideName in the ODF, so that the second tap 'provides' the first tap.


ProvideCount = 2
ProvideName1 = "tapone"
ProvideName2 = "taptwo"

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


oh! Ok, didn't even think about the tap providing. thats cool

i cant for the life of me get a silo to upgrade, heres a test odf ive been trying to use, does this work for you?
Code (ibs.odf) Select
classLabel = "ibssilo"
upgradeName = "ibsilo"
when i try to upgrade it it just shows the little purple box as if it requires something but there's no requireName field.


Doh...  never mind my first post if you read it... 

I also have upgradable silos, and have found that not being able to upgrade usually means the requirements for the upgrade haven't been met.  Can you post the ODF for the upgrade?



its just the regular ibsilo in patch13.pak
Code (ibsilo.odf) Select
baseName = "ibsilo"
mrmFactor = 0
geometryName = "ibsilo00.xsi"
classLabel = "silo"
scrapCost = 40
scrapValue = 0
maxHealth = 5000
maxAmmo = 0
unitName = "Silo"
heatSignature = 2.0
imageSignature = 1.0
radarSignature = 1.0
collisionRadius = 1.0
isAssault = 1
canInteract=1 // for missile lock

buildSupport = "N"
buildRequire = "N"

armorClass = H

isSingle = 1 //Determines whether only one of a certain unit or building can be built per team.

requireCount = 0

soundAmbient = "iext01.wav"

initDelay = 1e6 // 10.0 // How long before produces first scrap.
scrapDelay = 1e6 // 10.0 // How long between scrap after first is created.
scrapHold = 20 // Scrap capacity.
detectRange = 100
i tried changing isSingle to 0 to no avail.
I also tried just changing the classLabel in ibscav to "silo" and it had the same effect


Great...  I just tried my upgradeable Silos and they don't upgrade either.  You DO get the blank message box, as if there's something that's required but not present, but no message.  Grrrrrr....



whew! so i haven't lost all my sanity yet (at least, i have the illusion of such) :P



ah i remember how i solved it now!

instead of silo class, i made it an extractor class i think, and just set its scrap settings to the same as the silo class. jobs a good un! still works pretty much the same.

a lot of the time, the annoying purple box of nothingness can be caused by the isSingle command. its FAR better to use Limitclass or TeamLimitClass, my comm towers wouldnt upgrade when the original had 'isSingle' and the upgrades ODF provided the original. nightmare!

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


The new limiting lines are wonderful.

In MRVP 2.0 I currently have the Self Defending Extractors and the Separate Silo Extractors un-animated. I will likely throw in the lines for my DLL to use to animate them, but it is only useful if in a special map that HAPPENS to have my code. In stock, they are still inanimate.

OK, issues we have found thus far with pb4a in relation to modding in this respect:

Powered class structures do not cause the addLung menu to appear although they do populate it. [Currently Reported, Still needs good repo]
Silos are incapable of upgrading. [Will report after I check for myslef]

EDIT: ST, your videos are now listed in my BZComplex gallery. I hope to see some more videos of unique modding creations. I will keep listing them in my gallery (unless told to stop) unless you start putting them in yourself. If you want any particular description on them, just comment that on them.

Click on the image...


would it be difficult to allow buildings to support more animation types? i dont mean to write blank cheques, but this does seem to crop up a lot...

hell! seeing as im on a little request rampage, PLEASE RESTORE UN-TEAMFILTERED DAMAGE! or at best add an option for it to be on or off in explosion classes? seems to have hindered a lot of things.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.