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Started by SUB-0, February 10, 2009, 08:12:31 AM

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Hi i heard that i can find plugins for blender in bzu. But cant seem to put my finger on it .Can somone direct me to a dowload link plz :lol: i'm working on some models and have quite a few models on the go...wanted to test out blender to see if its easyer to use might save me some time

NICE FORUM I come often to read and learn more about editing bz2 .Its very educational and always helpfull thanx in advance even if you cant help me

  regards SUB-0


hey buddy. OvermindDL1 made an XSI plugin for blender but its not bug-free, it doesnt render textures or animations i believe. not entirely sure...

you modelled the Shinkluh from ZEMOD right?

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Quote from: TheJamsh on February 10, 2009, 12:20:17 PM
you modelled the Shinkluh from ZEMOD right?

I don't think so, could be wrong.

Jamsh, do you have a link to the plugin?

Click on the image...


i dont its on Overminds site though, i have difficulty accessing it for some reason...

either way, someone should mirror it ;)

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


   Well thanks for the reply guys :) i'll look in overminds page see if he gots the plugins for blender

  i place link here if i find it..... ps:   i'll be back to ask more questions :P