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need some help adding alpha channels to a texture...

Started by TheJamsh, February 20, 2009, 05:31:39 AM

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i managed to get gimp to work properly.

i have to select the black area, then invert it, so i select everything apart from the transparent section. i then apply an alpha layer to the selection and it seems to work. trouble is the edging on the sprites go really horrible and dark because of the blending.

filling the background in green (for example) and making green transparent doesn't work. i get lots of strange edging when i do it

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.

Zero Angel

Quote from: OvermindDL1 on March 18, 2009, 03:30:17 AMI use GIMP just fine, anything I have made with it BZ2 supported just fine.  It is also about as powerful as Photoshop

Why do half-ass graphics artists always say this? The GIMP is nowhere near photoshop in power, hence why there aren't dozens of magazines about developing professional advertisement quality graphics or doing bookcover-quality art in the GIMP

Sure it has many of photoshop's features, it just lacks the ones needed to add sufficient polish and quality to a project.

For a lot of people, it will be enough to meet their needs I suppose, but it's a lie to say that it is anywhere near Photoshop, not if you've spent sufficient amounts of time in PS. Need an example? Go to a bookstore that has photoshop magazines, now try to duplicate the techniques in those books using your knowledge of the GIMP. Chances are you will have to use kludgier tools, several different layers (to replace the layer effects on one photoshop layer), and otherwise spend 2 to 5 times the amount of time on the project due to the lack of sufficient tools and options.

I do agree that *nix has a more elegant system the way it does things with pipes, and that enough time and effort was invested in the open source GIMP to allow you to create some nice graphics -- but it's still primitive compared to any version of Photoshop before PS7 -- and therefore the time it will take will grow exponentially depending on the complexity of the graphic you are trying to create.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
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{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


I've used the demo of photoshop once...


I've personally had to ditch GIMP and use Paint.Net. (A beefed up version of MS Paint). Its not Photoshop, but it does what GIMP does and SIMPLER.


Let me rephrase, GIMP is as powerful as PhotoShop for anything a BZ2er would use it for.

Do note, as for features, GIMP can use PhotoShops plugins.

And yes the interface is 'fkudgier', but it still does the job.  If you notice I did mention its horrible interface before, a side effect of its design and old roots.

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