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Converting SP missions to IA/MPI?

Started by IceWendigo, February 23, 2009, 07:35:59 AM

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I love the SP campains in BZ2 and think there are many awsome maps in the single player missions of BZ2 and FE, and I was wondering if there was a Map Pack that has converted some of these existing SP maps into IA/MPI versions ? (I am not sufficiently familiar with the map editor to do this)

Is there a set of extra maps that works well with 1.3pb4a and thats easy to install?


i converted the FE map 'Tranquility' to a useable PB4a map.

it does tend to freeze up occasionally however because of the water bug. That hopefully will be fixed soon, its a beta issue not a map issue.

Its kicking around here somewhere, or you can find it on http://www.bz2md.com

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


It shouldn't be to hard, note I don't do it...

Open mission in editor, save as ASCII, remove some items, add pathpoints for appropriate mode, add appropriate dll, save again. Open in notepad and fix the team numbers on items pre-placed so they respect the game mode appropriately.

Granted, I haven't done it.

Click on the image...


Thanks TheJamsh and Nielk1

TheJamsh, one that I'd like to play in is the map from mission 13(I think) of FE, the one in an industrial(rusty metal with cranes) setting. Unless Im mistaken its the one from the spash screen in FE, I tried to find it in IA but couldnt find it, and it would be great to play that map in regular(not-FE) BZ2.

Ive looked around but cant find a map pack thats specifies its compatible with 1.3pb4a, did I miss it?


Tranquility IS for pb4a only, doesnt have to be anything to do with FE and you dont need it installed, it comes with all the neccesary files.

there are at the moment no map packs made for pb4a. there are a few scattered ones people have made on BZ2md and on here, check them out if you want. i think Greenheart has done the most map work for pb4a, but those are all included with the patch.

At the moment, im not changing any more FE maps over because the first one was hard enough and i have a full mod underway to concentrate on. Tranquility is a fantastic map if you can get a game to stay working. works perfectly with Steeveeo's Recycler Variant as well, nice big open spaces.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I remember that site. I can't vouch for compatibility of the missions with 1.3 or even stock 1.2

Click on the image...


What I would love to see if the Single Player dlls converted to work in Multi.  Basically true Coop.

Since the single player dlls were never made open source, I don't see this ever happening.  That and we don't have enough programmers in the community, if any, that would be interested in making the dlls multiplayer compatible.


If we could get the source code to the missions it would simply be a matter of introducing more players into the mission script.

Click on the image...


I believe GSH told me the mission scripts were complete hacks so it may require more work than that.


They're not complete hacks. Just C++ code written by non-programmers. They're big state machines, without a good foundation. Having recently worked on a coop MP game (Mercenaries 2), it wasn't trivial to make all the mission scripts coop-ready. It may seem easy to do the initial work, but the bugs (and a lot of playtesting) are where you spend 90+% of your time.

To move scripts to coop, every "move things to next state" bit of code would need to be updated for more players. For example, in mission 2, when it says "hit i on the building," you'd have to check all players, not just 1. And, checks would need to be done as either a "any player" or "all players." The "inspect building" code makes sense to do as "any player," but the "get to point X" should be done as "all." If you make too much of the mission "any player," then the other player(s) could drive to the other side of the map and just wipe out the enemies production while one player is jumping thru the designer's hoops.

-- GSH


That makes sense regarding the all players for certain situations.


FE coop would definately be interesting  considering those missions are made to be much more challenging.  Unfortunately those mission scripts were written in the scriptor which isn't multiplayer compatible.


speak to fishbone, he made DC, first true co-op game.

i want to make some of my missions available for co-op, Overminddl's Python scriptor is capable of it if i remember rightly.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Yeah, it is.  You just need to learn python to use it though.