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mission 3 of Forgotten Enemies

Started by TopGun, February 24, 2009, 04:24:56 PM

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Next time I get the error I will post it. And as for the cheat. Please send me what to type in on the prompt window in the game.



The squad attacked this time and then this error code came up again. Please help me with this. I am starting to hate this mod.

---- Battlezone II Log File ----
App version: Patch 1.3pb4a Aug  4 2008 12:08:55
Windows version: Windows Version: 5.1.2600 'Service Pack 3' PlatformID=2

Last few battlezone.log lines (may or may not be relevant):
ERR |GLOBAL          |       ConsoleHelper:30   |13:53:22|978404 |ERROR: ODF gtagcr_a.odf, [TargetingGunClass]::leaderName is supposed to be an OrdnanceClass, but isn't. Please check ODFs
ERR |GLOBAL          |       ConsoleHelper:30   |13:53:22|978404 | .. looks like WeaponClass instead
ERR |GLOBAL          |       ConsoleHelper:30   |13:53:22|978406 |ERROR: TargetingGun gtagcr_a.odf has ordnance leadcr_a.odf which is not ordnance!
ERR |GLOBAL          |       ConsoleHelper:30   |13:53:22|978406 | .. pb4 requires classLabel = "leader" for ordnance, not "targeting"

Exception code: C0000005 (ACCESS VIOLATION) READING from 00000000h
Message :  Exception
Error occurred at 2/26/2009 13:53:58.
C:\Program Files\Battlezone II_FE\bzone.exe, run by TSgt Bill.
2 processor(s), type 586.
Process Memory :   1779 MB free out of   2048 MB total
Physical memory:   2141 MB free out of   2992 MB total
Page(swap) file:   4161 MB free out of   4877 MB total
Fault address:  00511C5E 01:00110C5E C:\Program Files\Battlezone II_FE\bzone.exe

SS:ESP:0023:022EF978  EBP:022EFAAC
DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000

Call stack:
Address   Return    Function            SourceFile
00511C5E  00000000  005126E9  TargetingGun::TargetingGun+0x0000003C
005126E9  00000000  00534A8B  TargetingGunClass::Build+0x0000001B
00534A8B  00000000  005120A9  OrdnanceClass::Build+0x0000000E
005120A9  00000000  0050715D  TargetingGun::Simulate+0x00000351
0050715D  00000000  0046763A  ENTITY::SimulateAllLocal+0x00000180
0046763A  00000000  00468195  MoveOneTurn+0x0000015B
00468195  00000000  0057DDAF  MissionHandler::State::RunState::Process+0x000003B1
0057DDAF  00000000  00465C7A  RunCodes::Process+0x000001BF
00465C7A  00000000  0057DDAF  MissionHandler::Process+0x00000012
0057DDAF  00000000  0057D8B4  RunCodes::Process+0x000001BF
0057D8B4  00000000  0045B598  Main::MessagePump+0x00000064
0045B598  00000000  0045B28D  HandledMain+0x000003F6
0045B28D  00000000  00458BC8  HandledMain+0x000000EB
00458BC8  00000000  0056DBFD  WinMain+0x00000059
0056DBFD  00000000  7C817067  fabs+0x00000191
7C817067  00000000  00000000  RegisterWaitForInputIdle+0x00000049



Is there a way I can get the 1.2 version of FE? I think that that one might be better to play since I hear they worked all the bugs out of that version.



You're using a 1.3 PB3 version with PB4a. Simple problem, just uninstall and reinstall with PB3. 's all cool.  :mrgreen:

Zero Angel

Keep in mind that 1.3 FE is a harder (harder than hard? yep) due to improvements in the AI
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


Will i restart the whole single player again? If so how do I save my save files so I do not have to restart?


Zero Angel

You can't do that since 1.2 and each version of 1.3 uses different types of pilot data files (I think) -- though you can try to copy the pilots folder over to the new install.
QuoteAwareness, Teamwork, Discipline
Constantly apply these principles, and you will succeed in a lot of things, especially BZ2 team strat.
{bac}Zero Angel
Victory through superior aggression


I am using the 1.3 version of FE. I could not install it. So I unziped it with 7-zip and copy pasted the files in a fresh install of BZ2. I will also send a link to the topic I have been using of another web site.


There is the link. It will let you guys know what I did and how I got the FE 1.3 mod to work. Maybe I got it to work the wrong way.



(You're using a 1.3 PB3 version with PB4a. Simple problem, just uninstall and reinstall with PB3.)

How would I uninstall and reinstall FE?



Is it the 1.3 Patch causing all these errors? Because now I can not even play BZ2 the normal single player. When ever I try to quit the first scion mission I get a error sound and then the game minimizes. Can you guys help me with all these problems I am having?



Quote from: TopGun on February 26, 2009, 02:10:24 PM
Is it the 1.3 Patch causing all these errors? Because now I can not even play BZ2 the normal single player. When ever I try to quit the first scion mission I get a error sound and then the game minimizes. Can you guys help me with all these problems I am having?

The 1.3 patch is not causing the errors. You putting the mod in the incorrect version is causing the problems.
The FE you are using is for 1.3pb3, so, make a 2nd install of BZ2 and install 1.3pb3 in it, then install FE into THAT bz2. Also, bz2 MAY have a uninstall option somewhere (not in the game, an exe in some folder), if not, it is still just a simple task of removing the folders tagged 'FE' and the files tagged 'FE' from your PB4a BZ2 dir.

Battlezone II 1.3pb4a introduced a new feature that has had great advancement to modding (ODF inheritance) but because of the way it functions, some objects classes (mostly weapons) had to be changed. This is not something for you to do, just grab pb3 for the one you have.

There may be a 1.3PB4a FE, I do not know.

Click on the image...


I uninstalled and reinstalled BZ2 along with putting the latest patch in. I am beginning to wonder if it will ever work. Do I just get the 1.2 Bz2 patch and the 1.2 version of FE? And I still got the same error. The same one I posted. Is there anything else it could be?



Ok I just down graded to the 1.2 version. The graphics are not as good as the 1.3 version but its better than a screwed up game. If you guys have any other idea about what might be wrong I will still try it. But until then I will be playing the 1.2 version.



You could just skip the mission with game.cheat bzwinner.
Others would merely say it was good humour.

My BZ2 mods:

QF2: Essence to a Thief - Development is underway.

Fleshstorm 2: The Harvest - Released on the 6th of November 2009. Got to www.bz2md.com for details.

QF Mod - My first mod, finished over a year ago. It can be found on BZ2MD.com


Ok but whats to stop it from crashing on the next mission?
