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Slight problem with MM5

Started by Arbystrider, February 27, 2009, 07:39:34 AM

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Okay, everytime I open up BZ2 with MM5 (on "<No Mod>"), and go Multiplayer, there will be numbers beside a person's name (E.G: Arbystrider 0 0 1 - 1), and I can't join that game. Is this a bug?

Seriously, I selected <No Mod>
Quote from: GreenHeart on October 06, 2009, 01:39:19 AM
Beware of internet explorer it is horribly evil.
Yes it is. Stay away. Somebody should warn Microfeck. And call 911.


If you see a V, that means the server is running either an older version or a newer version of bz2 than you have.  I believe all of these will be red.  If it has an X, that means the server is locked.  If it has a P, the server is password protected.

The best way to determine what version the server is running is to look at the server info box.  The last line will tell you what version of bz2 the host is running.


Also, the numbers are from running as a Power User, which, if it wasn't happening before use of MM5, I believe that it might turn that on by default.

(Click it for more art, y'know you wanna!)

Gone to college, but I now have internet.


The numbers by the name is actually pretty useful:

1st number = Deaths
2nd number = Kills
3rd number = Team
4th number = Current Ping

In an 8 player teams match, the team 1 commander will be on team 1, and the team 2 commander will be on team 6.

Feared_1 D K T P


Commando, I think everybody already knows that...

So does anybody know why I can't JOIN the game? Yeah, the host has pb4 and I do too.

EDIT: Hmm, that's strange... I can now...
Quote from: GreenHeart on October 06, 2009, 01:39:19 AM
Beware of internet explorer it is horribly evil.
Yes it is. Stay away. Somebody should warn Microfeck. And call 911.


Your issue was very vague so I started with the most common issue.  That of version incompatibilities.  If you both are running pb4, it could be due to the server being locked, password protected, or your ip address being banned.  All three of those cases will result in the "Connection Refused" dialog box appearing.

General BlackDragon

being unable to join a game was probably an isolated incident. Some people who host, have something wierd or iffy about their connection and I get a timeout trying to connect.

*****General BlackDragon*****