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Search something to modify Units/scrapcost etc

Started by Shephren, March 19, 2009, 03:22:59 PM

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Yeah, I was wrong.  Take everything I say with a grain of salt, that's what I do :P


He does not need to add an fvrecy to the autoreg.


and he also doesnt need RecyclerListST. im pretty sure it will be there already.

put simply mate, make an fvrecy_cheap.odf

you DONT have to make the scion RV, just copy the fvrecy.odf and call it fvrecy_cheap. then the scions will have a stock recycler when yours is selected. simple.

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


Got it.Everything works!
Just created the same odf's for all the scion things,so my friends can chose ISDF or Scion^^
Thanks to everyone.blame on office! xD


You could use office and save the file as .txt and just rename it, but I figured telling you that earlier would just confuse you.  Now that it works, confusing you doesn't matter :D


If you have any way to post your files (in a zip or some such) I can look over them for you to ensure everything is good and as minimalist as possible.

Click on the image...


Well..trust me,you don't want to look at them^^
Tested everything out already,friend of me is able to join without problems,all modded files work.
At the beginning there was a little problem concerning the weapons of the isdf,i didnÄt change the names of the weapons my modded armory produces..i was so confused first,but in the end i've got it  :mrgreen:


Here i am again.
Noticed a little problem concenring isdf armory and scion stronghold.I can't change the weapons,shields etc of a unit in the factory/kiln/forge.There is nothing except ion gun/mini gun.No cannons,rockets...,the armory/stronghold itself works,it is able to produce every kind of weapon i gave it.


The weapon lists in the recycler and factory and not drawn from the armoury files, but from a separate file.  If you modify that you will get bad assets, but in 1.3 there should be a way to specify a custom weapon file.  Did you read the modlog?


WeaponConfig = "iweapon_cheap.odf"

Based on iweapon.odf of course.
Do the same for Scions.
Do this for both Recycler and Factory.

Click on the image...


What's iweapon.odf?I have to create it,right?
How does it looks like?Or is "weapon" just something like a placeholder for the name of one of the isdf/scion weapons?



Found it,but it doesn't work.
My iweapon_cheap.odf looks like that:

weaponCount = 4
weaponName1 = "apmini_cheap"
weaponName2 = "aplase_cheap"
weaponName3 = "appumm_cheap"
weaponName4 = "apchain_cheap"

weaponCount = 7
weaponName1 = "apstab_cheap"
weaponName2 = "appstb_cheap"
weaponName3 = "apsstb_cheap"
weaponName4 = "applas_cheap"
weaponName5 = "apblst_cheap"
weaponName6 = "apmagg_cheap"
weaponName7 = "aptech_cheap"

weaponCount = 3
weaponName1 = "aptagg_cheap"
weaponName2 = "apfafm_cheap"
weaponName3 = "apshdw_cheap"

weaponCount = 3
weaponName1 = "apmort_cheap"
weaponName2 = "apmdmg_cheap"
weaponName3 = "apspln_cheap"

weaponCount = 5
weaponName1 = "apflar_cheap"
weaponName2 = "apmcur_cheap"
weaponName3 = "apmits_cheap"
weaponName4 = "approx_cheap"
weaponName5 = "apfntn_cheap"

weaponCount = 4
weaponName1 = "apredf_cheap"
weaponName2 = "apphan_cheap"
weaponName3 = "apsite_cheap"
weaponName4 = "apblnk_cheap"

Added the "s" to test if it works with that..didn't change anything.

ibfact_cheap.odf looks like:

classLabel = "ibfact"
scrapCost = 0
unitName = "Fabrik"
requireCount = 1
requireName1 = "ibpgen_cheap"
requireText1 = "Build Power"
provideCount = 1
provideName1 = "ibfact_cheap"

detectRange = 100


buildItem1 = "ivmbike_cheap"
buildItem2 = "ivmisl_cheap"
buildItem3 = "ivtank_cheap"
buildItem4 = "ivrckt_cheap"
buildItem5 = "ivatank_cheap"
buildItem6 = "ivwalk_cheap"
buildItem7 = "ivapc_cheap"
buildItem8 = "ivbomb_cheap"
buildItem9 = "ivintc_cheap"
WeaponConfig = "iweapon_cheap"


Is this similar to the rec variant,i mean,do i have to add the WeaponConfig = "i/fweapon_cheap" to isdf and scions to force it to work?


Remember those files have to exist. They reference the ISDF weapon crates, also found in patch13.pak

you add the "$weapon_cheap.odf" to all of YOURE factories, not the stock ones. never touch de stock

BZII Expansion Pack Development Leader. Coming Soon.


I haven't found ISDF weapon crates in the patch13.pak.If i got them,what shall i do with em?
I never touch the stock in anyway since i had to reinstall BZ2 because of that^^